Welcome to the February 27th edition of the Slingshot Suplex Smackdown Review. This week we'll see an appearance from John Cena and they Hardy's square off as the build for Wrestlemania continues. Lets see what this week brings us shall we.
John Cena's music hits to open the show and gets a huge pop, which is the reaction he deserves. I know alot of people got so used to cheering the anti-heros in wrestling through the attitude era, but if u ask me it was time for wrestling to have another "hero" ala Hulk Hogan in the 80's and Bret Hart in the 90's. Especially with the more attention to the family unit now instead of just 18-24 year old males. Cena sais that the title is being held by a coward and that he wants a rematch for that belt tonight. Edge makes his way out to the stage. Sais if Cena wants his rematch he'll do it. But Vickie comes out and states that Edge will not compete tonight. Cena will face Big Show instead. OK but predictable opening.
Colon's vs Miz and Morrison: WWE Tag Title Match:
This tag feud has been highly entertaining to this point and tonight they will face for the Colon's tag titles only. They recap the "date" from last week, truly hilarious stuff. Primo and Miz start off the match. These 2 teams have beautiful chemistry together. Simply the 2 best tag teams WWE has had in years. Hopefully the fact that neither Miz or Morrison qualified for money in the bank will mean a wrestlemania match between these 2 teams, maybe to unify the titles. I wanna see a Tag TLC match between these 2 teams..now that would be awesome. The Bella twins make their way to ringside. These 2 should just stay in the back, I know the whole date last week was hilarious but this feud doesnt need the fucking bella twins ok. Primo plays the babyface in trouble. Carlito gets the hot tag. Morrison goes for the flipping neckbreaker but Carlito counters into the backstabber, by the way my favorite finishing move in wrestling. Carlito gets the pin and the Colon's retain the titles, and leave with the girls. Good match, nice fast paced action with everything making sense and flowing nicely.
Ricky "the dragon" Steamboat will be inducted to the hall of fame this year. Arguably the best "in ring performer" of his time and maybe ever, if you havent seen this guy in action look him up cause its a thing of Beauty.
Vladimir Kozlov vs Undertaker:
The fact that this match is taking place now pretty much confirms that Shawn Michaels will win monday night to go on to face Taker at Wrestlemania, not that i ever thought he wouldnt anyways. I'm one of few people that i've seen online that actually likes Kozlov, and he looks pretty good so far in this match. I like his old school heel persona, I pretty much like anything that is throwback anyways. Very solid match and Kozlov shockingly pins the Undertaker when he counters ol' school into a powerslam. I really hope they dont make the match at Mania a triple threat match. Please give us Shawn vs Taker one on one. Hopefully they put Kozlov over here just to make it less obvious, we'll have to wait and see I guess.
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy:
Matt has been absolutely brilliant since turning heel. I wasnt sure how well he could pull it off but he has in a big way. Jeff comes out in street clothes, looks like they are gonna go with the "i dont want to fight my brother" type angle, until enough is enough and Jeff cant take it no more. Its booking 101 but its extremely effective when done right and so far this has been done right. Alot of reports are that WWE changed they're plans when the plans for Christian to be the attacker were leaked on the net, but I honestly think that this was the plan all along. Jeff sais whether Matt likes it or not he is still his brother. Matt snatches the mic and sais he is not his brother, and for once this is gonna be about him. Sais he has always been the more talented Hardy, i actually agree with him some there, as a pure wrestler Matt has always been better but Jeff's unique look and a couple of fresh high flying moves always got him more attention. Matt keeps telling Jeff to fight him, then he slaps him in the face, Jeff still wont so Matt backhands him pretty hard lol. Jeff just shakes his head and walks away to a good pop from the crowd. Jeff stops on the stage and makes the fans cheer to rub it in to Matt. Great segment and job well done by both men, this angle is going along very nicely.
Shelton Benjamin vs Chavo Guerrero:
MVP is on commentary. I love his face turn so far, that losing streak really got him over as a face after a while. In my opinion I'd rather see this feud being an A & B feud between MVP and Shelton with Chavo C'ing his way out of it, but it seems we're getting a 3 way battle for the U.S. title so ok. I'd like to see it all end at Mania with a triple threat for the belt but I think its wishful thinking and will probably happen on Smackdown more then likely. Shelton and MVP have a staredown on the outside, Shelton picks Chavo up and throws him into MVP. Sweet roll up by Chavo when they get back in the ring gets the victory. MVP rolls in the ring behind Shelton and hits the drive-by leaving him laying.
John Cena vs Big Show:
Main event time. Big Show has apparently gone back to being Edge and Vickie's lackey. Will probably continue that way until after Mania but i'm sure Big Show will eventually get sick of it. Not sure what Big Show will be doing at Mania, i guess he could end up just being in Edge's corner. Cant see him not doing anything though. Big Show keeps telling Cena its his job, I guess implying that its nothing personal. Probably just Big Show talking durin the match, but maybe it means something who knows. Big Show is outstanding here while he is in control, constantly talking to Cena and mocking the fans. It took him a while but Big Show, starting with his run as ECW champion, wich was awesome by the way, finally got how to perform as a giant. Tremendous match so far, maybe the best these 2 have had together. They're doing a great job at teasing Cena's comeback only for Big Show staying in control. Cena finally starts his comeback after Show misses off the second rope. Again Big Show takes control after stopping Cena from hitting the attitude adjuster. Chokeslam attempt but Cena gets him up and hits the attitude adjuster this time, always impressive when done to Show. Edge somes out and rolls in then out of the ring, not sure what that did lol. Big Show gets up and nails Cena with a huge punch, then chokeslam and gets the win. Awesome main event. Great match by Cena and Big Show. I guess Edge coming down was a distraction but it looked awkward because Edge never touched him, he just rolled in the ring and right back out again. But ok lol. Edge stands over Cena after Show leaves the ring and taunts him with the belt.
Overall a pretty solid show. Great tag match with miz and morrison/colon's, kozlov pinning Taker was a suprise, the Hardy's segment was brilliant, and a very solid main event.
Smackdown Review 2/27/09
Saturday, February 28, 2009 –
6:50 AM
big show,
jeff hardy,
john cena,
matt hardy,
Miz and Morrison,

ECW Review 2/24/09
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 –
7:42 PM
Welcome to the February 24th edition of the Slingshot Suplex ECW Review. Sorry I missed last weeks show but I'm back once again to follow the trials and tribulations of the 3rd brand under the WWE umbrella. This week brings us Christian challenging for the title against champion Jack Swagger. So lets see what this show brings us shall we!
I just wanna start of by saying I am a huge fan of Jack Swagger so far, but the nickname "all-american-american", is the dumbest nickname I think I've ever hear and just sounds really stupid. But oh well I guess thats what they are gonna keep calling him.
DJ Gabriel vs Mark Henry:
First of all i'm not a fan of this whole dancing angle, it will never get over and just has comedy jobber written all over it. Now Gabriel has a great look and could do something decent with his career but not with this gimmick. Mark Henry really has nothing more to do as hes pretty much accomplished everything he will ever accomplish in this business. He will never go any higher then he is so he will tread water until his career is over. He can be an upper mid card heel that will job to the babyfaces and put people over. Now thats not a bad thing, as he can still serve a purpose in that regard. Henry catches Gabriel in mid-air, hits the worlds strongest slam for the win. Forgettable opener, but decent and made Henry look good.
Tyson Kidd vs Matt Boyce:
Another look at Tyson Kidd as he faces a very vanilla looking jobber. Tyson has impressed me so far and has a very unique style wich is always a good thing. Any time u can stand out in the wrestling business its a plus. I cant help but think at his size if he stays heel he'll either end up in a tag team or as a jobber later on. As a face being smaller works but not really as a heel. Impressive offense and a sweet springboard elbow drop for the win for Tyson Kidd.
Tommy Dreamer vs Paul Burchill:
I'm suprised Burchill doesnt have a higher spot in WWE. He has a great look and seems to be ok in the ring. He must be thanking his lucky stars that WWE has ECW or who knows where he would be right now. Tommy has Burchill in a tree of woe but misses when Katie Lee pulls him out of the way. Boogeyman trips her from under the ring and comes out. Burchill is distracted allowing Dreamer to hit the DDT for the victory.
Christian vs Jack Swagger(c): ECW title match:
Ok, all over the net people are bitching about how WWE is using Christian. I'd just like to say i'm a huge fan of Christian, huge fan. But he has never been a main eventer on this level. Christian headlining shows does not put the casual fan's asses in seats. Christian is a great performer to support the top guys who do put asses in seats. I'm sorry internet marks but that is the sad sad truth. If us smart marks were the only people that watched then sure put him in the main event. But the casual fans make up a much larger percentage of the fan base. Once again I love Christian but his spot right now in WWE is ok with me for now. Ok, on with the match. Christian gets a very nice pop with his entrance and introduction and Swagger gets good heat so it looks like the fans are ready for this one and so am I. Swagger has actually done a wonderful job as champ so far i think and has more then held his own with the veterans they've had him work with. Sweet vintage Christian spot with him springboarding over the top rope onto Swagger brings us to commercial. When we come back Swagger nails a clothesline to the back of Christians head and hes in controll. Outside now and Christian misses Swagger running himself into the steel steps hurting his arm, and Swagger immediately works over the arm, using the ol' hammerlock body slam combo. I love when body parts are worked over in matches, i'm old school. Sweet counter into a headlock by Christian, but Swagger catches him in a beautiful sequence of moves, shoulderbreaker, runs him into corner followed by another shoulderbreaker. This is a great match so far. Swagger is more impressive every week. Sweet rollover into front facelock. Christian fights back with a missle dropkick off of the middle rope. Great job of selling the arm by Christian as well. He misses the flying headbutt wich leads into a very nice northern lights suplex by Swagger. Crowd is hot at this point. A couple near falls for both guys and the crowd is even hotter. This match is has been amazing so far. Christian hits the headbutt this time but Swagger kicks out. This is the best match i've seen on tv so far this year. Awesome tornado DDT, Swagger kicks out again, WHAT A MATCH. What a counter of the gutwrench powerbomb by Christian but Swagger counters back and hits it this time for the win. I'm sure all the internet 2nd guessers will be extremely pisses that Christian lost this match but wow, this gets my vote for the best match on TV so far this year by far. Swagger looks very impressive and his stock is rising more and more every time he performs. Amazing match.
Not much happened until the main event but wow what a main event it was. Swagger and Christian definitely delivered in a huge way and if u didnt see this match, please try and see it as words cant describe how good it was. Awesome job by these two. Swagger has certainly won me over. He is very deserving of his spot right now and is just oozing with big time potential in the future.
I just wanna start of by saying I am a huge fan of Jack Swagger so far, but the nickname "all-american-american", is the dumbest nickname I think I've ever hear and just sounds really stupid. But oh well I guess thats what they are gonna keep calling him.
DJ Gabriel vs Mark Henry:
First of all i'm not a fan of this whole dancing angle, it will never get over and just has comedy jobber written all over it. Now Gabriel has a great look and could do something decent with his career but not with this gimmick. Mark Henry really has nothing more to do as hes pretty much accomplished everything he will ever accomplish in this business. He will never go any higher then he is so he will tread water until his career is over. He can be an upper mid card heel that will job to the babyfaces and put people over. Now thats not a bad thing, as he can still serve a purpose in that regard. Henry catches Gabriel in mid-air, hits the worlds strongest slam for the win. Forgettable opener, but decent and made Henry look good.
Tyson Kidd vs Matt Boyce:
Another look at Tyson Kidd as he faces a very vanilla looking jobber. Tyson has impressed me so far and has a very unique style wich is always a good thing. Any time u can stand out in the wrestling business its a plus. I cant help but think at his size if he stays heel he'll either end up in a tag team or as a jobber later on. As a face being smaller works but not really as a heel. Impressive offense and a sweet springboard elbow drop for the win for Tyson Kidd.
Tommy Dreamer vs Paul Burchill:
I'm suprised Burchill doesnt have a higher spot in WWE. He has a great look and seems to be ok in the ring. He must be thanking his lucky stars that WWE has ECW or who knows where he would be right now. Tommy has Burchill in a tree of woe but misses when Katie Lee pulls him out of the way. Boogeyman trips her from under the ring and comes out. Burchill is distracted allowing Dreamer to hit the DDT for the victory.
Christian vs Jack Swagger(c): ECW title match:
Ok, all over the net people are bitching about how WWE is using Christian. I'd just like to say i'm a huge fan of Christian, huge fan. But he has never been a main eventer on this level. Christian headlining shows does not put the casual fan's asses in seats. Christian is a great performer to support the top guys who do put asses in seats. I'm sorry internet marks but that is the sad sad truth. If us smart marks were the only people that watched then sure put him in the main event. But the casual fans make up a much larger percentage of the fan base. Once again I love Christian but his spot right now in WWE is ok with me for now. Ok, on with the match. Christian gets a very nice pop with his entrance and introduction and Swagger gets good heat so it looks like the fans are ready for this one and so am I. Swagger has actually done a wonderful job as champ so far i think and has more then held his own with the veterans they've had him work with. Sweet vintage Christian spot with him springboarding over the top rope onto Swagger brings us to commercial. When we come back Swagger nails a clothesline to the back of Christians head and hes in controll. Outside now and Christian misses Swagger running himself into the steel steps hurting his arm, and Swagger immediately works over the arm, using the ol' hammerlock body slam combo. I love when body parts are worked over in matches, i'm old school. Sweet counter into a headlock by Christian, but Swagger catches him in a beautiful sequence of moves, shoulderbreaker, runs him into corner followed by another shoulderbreaker. This is a great match so far. Swagger is more impressive every week. Sweet rollover into front facelock. Christian fights back with a missle dropkick off of the middle rope. Great job of selling the arm by Christian as well. He misses the flying headbutt wich leads into a very nice northern lights suplex by Swagger. Crowd is hot at this point. A couple near falls for both guys and the crowd is even hotter. This match is has been amazing so far. Christian hits the headbutt this time but Swagger kicks out. This is the best match i've seen on tv so far this year. Awesome tornado DDT, Swagger kicks out again, WHAT A MATCH. What a counter of the gutwrench powerbomb by Christian but Swagger counters back and hits it this time for the win. I'm sure all the internet 2nd guessers will be extremely pisses that Christian lost this match but wow, this gets my vote for the best match on TV so far this year by far. Swagger looks very impressive and his stock is rising more and more every time he performs. Amazing match.
Not much happened until the main event but wow what a main event it was. Swagger and Christian definitely delivered in a huge way and if u didnt see this match, please try and see it as words cant describe how good it was. Awesome job by these two. Swagger has certainly won me over. He is very deserving of his spot right now and is just oozing with big time potential in the future.
Raw Review 2/23/09
Monday, February 23, 2009 –
6:04 PM
Welcome to this weeks edition of the Slingshot Suplex Raw Review for the week of February 23, 2009. I'd like to say that I havent looked forward to Raw every week this much for a long time now. It could be that its Wrestlemania time, or that I'm just lovin the storylines that WWE has been presenting the last 6 months. Lets see what this week brings us shall we!
Recap of what happened with Orton and Shane last week opens the show. Once again I'd like to toot my own horn for calling what would happen in this angle long before anyone else did :). I cant tell u how excited I am over how this whole angle has developed. It has simply been a work of art, and moving towards Triple H and Orton at Mania it has been a masterful job how they have now made that feud fresh again.
Vickie opens up in the ring again for the 3rd straight show, last monday, this friday and again this week. Apparently she is now also the interim GM on raw as well. She annoys me greatly but i guess that is her job to make me hate her. Wether u can stand seeing her on TV or not nobody can deny the heat she gets. She is interuppted by John Cena to a huge (as always) reaction. Cena congratulates Vickie on being named GM of raw and lets her know all she cares about is that Edge is champion. Sais he wants to cash in his rematch tonight. Cue Edges music, who comes out with Big Show behind him. Cena tells Edge there is no reason for him to not defend the belt tonight but Edge sais he dont answer to him. Tells Cena that he wants to be this generations Bruno, or Hogan, or Austin, but he wont let it happen. Cena sais hes talkin tough because hes got a big 400 plb beast behind him, and of course he brought the Big Show too, that was hilarious I dont care lol. Big Show takes the mic now and tells Cena to show Vickie respect. Vickie tells Cena that Edge is family and Big show is a friend and Cena will face either friend or family tonight. Cena sais he will either slay a giant or walk out champ. Decent opening segment with some funny moments.
Orton and legacy arrive.
CM Punk vs Miz vs Morrison: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match:
This suprises me some because I actually thought Punk and Morrison would be in the MITB match. We are about to get our first qualifier. I wonder if they will go with the original 6 man MITB or last years 8(wich was actually 7 after Jeff got suspended). As i say that Cole sais it will be 8 again so thats cool. It is one of the best matches that they have ever come up with, and has been one of the best highlights of every Mania it has been involved in. Miz and Morrison start out working together, no suprise there. I would like to see Miz and Morrison face The Colons at Mania to unify the tag belts but I'm not sure they can stretch that feud out that long. We come back with Morrison and Punk in the ring and Miz down and out on the floor. Nice spot in the corner with Punk hitting his running knee turning around and getting hit with Miz's corner clothesline move. Morrison to the floor now and Miz and Punk in the ring. Miz finally tries to roll up Morrison and now they start going at it. Miz tries to superplex Morrison but Punk catches him into Go To Sleep position, swings around and Morrison's legs knock Miz out of the ring. Punk hits Morrison with the GTS and wins a spot in the MITB match. Great triple threat match with the right guy going over.
Next they re-air the sit down interview with Triple H that was on Smackdown. Short, sweet, and emotional. Great job by Triple H.
Todd Grisham is outside Legacy's lockerroom. Orton and Dibiase come out and defend Orton's action. Say Orton will come out and address his actions from last week later, and that if Triple H comes out, they will be ready.
Beth, Santino, and Rosa interact with Dolph Ziggler in the back. Santino is hilarious lol. 6 person mixed tag match is next. Normally i would start to dry heave over mixed tag action but Santino is involved so that makes me at least mildly interested.
Melina & Cryme Tyme vs Beth, Santino, & Dolph Ziggler:
First off, Melina is hot as hell but I just dont think she is very good in the ring which basically describes 90 percent of the divas. Hopefully she drops the belt to Beth soon. I read that WWE is indeed reaching out to Trish to work at Mania so hopefully we'll see the Beth vs Trish match that should be very good. I actually think that Dolph Ziggler (despite the horrible name) has great potential if he is ever actually used. He has great energy in the ring and his selling is wonderful. Santino is hilarious squaring off with Shad before hes squashed and pinned. He cracks me up lol. Ok filler match nothing all that noteworthy.
Shawn Michaels vs JBL: Winner faces Taker at Mania:
Now i'm not sure if the winner of this match will actually end up facing Taker at mania or not because of Vickie throwing in Kozlov's name in the equation on Smackdown. All I can say that I'd give it about a 99.9 percent chance that it will be Shawn vs Taker at WrestleMania. Apparently Cole sais that the winner of this match will face Kozlov on Raw next week and the winner of that match will actually face Taker at mania. Ok then, they have time to drag this out another week so thats cool. I'm not a JBL fan but he has been much improved over the last 4 or 5 months, probably due to his weight loss. He wrestles a very slow paced, old school style that i really enjoy. Solid work by both men. End comes when JBL goes for clothesline from hell but Shawn catches him coming in with Sweet Chin Music for the win. Looks like Shawn will face Kozlov next week with the winner going on to face Undertaker at Wrestlemania. That should be interesting to see how Kozlov hangs in the ring with, in my opinion, the best "in ring" performer of all time. Kozlov comes out and staresdown Shawn. He leaves Shawn laying, making him look strong leading into next week.
Jamie Noble vs Mike Knox:
Jamie Noble is in the ring next. Sais he knows that he only lasted 15 seconds last week but he knows if he can last longer this week that hes going to Mania. They actually have a clock running in the corner. Knox hits his finisher for the win in 29 seconds. Well i guess he lasted longer but i'm not really sure where any of this is going. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Next up the WWE announces that Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. For anyone who has not seen Steamboat wrestle i strongly urge you to look some of his work up. He is easily on of the top 5 in ring workers of all time. His match with Randy Savage at Mania 3 stole the show and is still regarded as one of the best ever. His matches with Ric Flair were simply beautiful to watch. If I ever made a top 5 list of my favorite matches of all time, Steamboat would be in at least 2 of them. Fitting induction to say the least and he joins what is shaping up to be the best induction class yet.
Steamboat is out next to address the fans. Everyone should bow down to this great legend, I cant stress enough just how good he was. Just a master of his craft. Jericho is out to interrupt him as expected. Jericho thanks the academy for not voting for Mickey Rourke to win the best actor award last night. This would've been a match I would have loved to seen in Steamboat's prime. Jericho cuts his usual top notch promo running down Steamboat like he did Piper and Flair. Steamboat said he remembers when Jericho told him that he admired him. Steamboat tells Jericho that he is in fact the hypocrite. Sais that while Jericho flip flopped through his career between hating and loving the fans that he never changed his whole career. Just an awesome promo by Steamboat. I'm loving this whole angle. Tells Jericho that he is something that Jericho might never be, and thats a Hall of Famer. Jericho hits him with the mic and runs him into the set. This angle has been awesome. Jericho has been gold and so have the legends in return. Awesome, awesome angle and I cant wait week to week to see where its heading leading into Wrestlemania.
John Cena comes out, Vickie tells him he will not get his rematch tonight, Cena tells her he is gonna follow her wherever she goes until he gets his title match.
John Cena vs Chavo Guerrero:
As Vickie promised Cena will face a member of her family, and its Chavo Guerrero. Cena makes short work of Chavo hitting him with the attitude adjustment, then gets him to tap out in the STF. Short and Sweet, Cena will be on smackdown.
Legacy comes out of the dressing room and makes sure the coast is clear for Orton to follow. Orton has a sledgehammer.
"I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand, they talk to me"..love that theme song lol. Legacy makes they're way to the ring, Orton and sledgehammer in the lead. Orton basically recaps what hes done so far to the McMahon family. Tells the people that they have no idea what he goes through. Sais he hopes that Triple H's children was watching last week so they can learn from their mothers mistakes. Triple H is shown on the titantron sledgehammer in hand. He appears in the arena and stands on the stage, slowly makes his way towards the ring. Stops on the apron while Orton tells him to stop because someone will get hurt bad. Tells him that both of em should lose their sledgehammers and settle this like men. They drop their sledgehammers and Triple H enters the ring. Triple H pulls out another sledgehammer from behind him and swings but misses, he chases Legacy out, the doors are locked but they escape into a dressing room. They barricade the door but Triple H busts through. Orton and Dibiase are trapped. He nails Dibiase but Orton ducks and the sledgehammer goes through the mirror. Orton and Legacy run down the hall and into their limo. Triple H smashes out the window and then throws the sledgehammer at it as it speeds away. Awesome segment to end the show.
Great Raw this week. While nothing monumental happened, they did a great job of continuing all the storylines heading to mania. CM Punk also became the first man to qualify for the MITB match at Mania. Shawn moves on to face Kozlov next week for the right to face Taker, and an awesome segment to end the show with Triple H and Legacy.
Recap of what happened with Orton and Shane last week opens the show. Once again I'd like to toot my own horn for calling what would happen in this angle long before anyone else did :). I cant tell u how excited I am over how this whole angle has developed. It has simply been a work of art, and moving towards Triple H and Orton at Mania it has been a masterful job how they have now made that feud fresh again.
Vickie opens up in the ring again for the 3rd straight show, last monday, this friday and again this week. Apparently she is now also the interim GM on raw as well. She annoys me greatly but i guess that is her job to make me hate her. Wether u can stand seeing her on TV or not nobody can deny the heat she gets. She is interuppted by John Cena to a huge (as always) reaction. Cena congratulates Vickie on being named GM of raw and lets her know all she cares about is that Edge is champion. Sais he wants to cash in his rematch tonight. Cue Edges music, who comes out with Big Show behind him. Cena tells Edge there is no reason for him to not defend the belt tonight but Edge sais he dont answer to him. Tells Cena that he wants to be this generations Bruno, or Hogan, or Austin, but he wont let it happen. Cena sais hes talkin tough because hes got a big 400 plb beast behind him, and of course he brought the Big Show too, that was hilarious I dont care lol. Big Show takes the mic now and tells Cena to show Vickie respect. Vickie tells Cena that Edge is family and Big show is a friend and Cena will face either friend or family tonight. Cena sais he will either slay a giant or walk out champ. Decent opening segment with some funny moments.
Orton and legacy arrive.
CM Punk vs Miz vs Morrison: Money In The Bank Qualifying Match:
This suprises me some because I actually thought Punk and Morrison would be in the MITB match. We are about to get our first qualifier. I wonder if they will go with the original 6 man MITB or last years 8(wich was actually 7 after Jeff got suspended). As i say that Cole sais it will be 8 again so thats cool. It is one of the best matches that they have ever come up with, and has been one of the best highlights of every Mania it has been involved in. Miz and Morrison start out working together, no suprise there. I would like to see Miz and Morrison face The Colons at Mania to unify the tag belts but I'm not sure they can stretch that feud out that long. We come back with Morrison and Punk in the ring and Miz down and out on the floor. Nice spot in the corner with Punk hitting his running knee turning around and getting hit with Miz's corner clothesline move. Morrison to the floor now and Miz and Punk in the ring. Miz finally tries to roll up Morrison and now they start going at it. Miz tries to superplex Morrison but Punk catches him into Go To Sleep position, swings around and Morrison's legs knock Miz out of the ring. Punk hits Morrison with the GTS and wins a spot in the MITB match. Great triple threat match with the right guy going over.
Next they re-air the sit down interview with Triple H that was on Smackdown. Short, sweet, and emotional. Great job by Triple H.
Todd Grisham is outside Legacy's lockerroom. Orton and Dibiase come out and defend Orton's action. Say Orton will come out and address his actions from last week later, and that if Triple H comes out, they will be ready.
Beth, Santino, and Rosa interact with Dolph Ziggler in the back. Santino is hilarious lol. 6 person mixed tag match is next. Normally i would start to dry heave over mixed tag action but Santino is involved so that makes me at least mildly interested.
Melina & Cryme Tyme vs Beth, Santino, & Dolph Ziggler:
First off, Melina is hot as hell but I just dont think she is very good in the ring which basically describes 90 percent of the divas. Hopefully she drops the belt to Beth soon. I read that WWE is indeed reaching out to Trish to work at Mania so hopefully we'll see the Beth vs Trish match that should be very good. I actually think that Dolph Ziggler (despite the horrible name) has great potential if he is ever actually used. He has great energy in the ring and his selling is wonderful. Santino is hilarious squaring off with Shad before hes squashed and pinned. He cracks me up lol. Ok filler match nothing all that noteworthy.
Shawn Michaels vs JBL: Winner faces Taker at Mania:
Now i'm not sure if the winner of this match will actually end up facing Taker at mania or not because of Vickie throwing in Kozlov's name in the equation on Smackdown. All I can say that I'd give it about a 99.9 percent chance that it will be Shawn vs Taker at WrestleMania. Apparently Cole sais that the winner of this match will face Kozlov on Raw next week and the winner of that match will actually face Taker at mania. Ok then, they have time to drag this out another week so thats cool. I'm not a JBL fan but he has been much improved over the last 4 or 5 months, probably due to his weight loss. He wrestles a very slow paced, old school style that i really enjoy. Solid work by both men. End comes when JBL goes for clothesline from hell but Shawn catches him coming in with Sweet Chin Music for the win. Looks like Shawn will face Kozlov next week with the winner going on to face Undertaker at Wrestlemania. That should be interesting to see how Kozlov hangs in the ring with, in my opinion, the best "in ring" performer of all time. Kozlov comes out and staresdown Shawn. He leaves Shawn laying, making him look strong leading into next week.
Jamie Noble vs Mike Knox:
Jamie Noble is in the ring next. Sais he knows that he only lasted 15 seconds last week but he knows if he can last longer this week that hes going to Mania. They actually have a clock running in the corner. Knox hits his finisher for the win in 29 seconds. Well i guess he lasted longer but i'm not really sure where any of this is going. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Next up the WWE announces that Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. For anyone who has not seen Steamboat wrestle i strongly urge you to look some of his work up. He is easily on of the top 5 in ring workers of all time. His match with Randy Savage at Mania 3 stole the show and is still regarded as one of the best ever. His matches with Ric Flair were simply beautiful to watch. If I ever made a top 5 list of my favorite matches of all time, Steamboat would be in at least 2 of them. Fitting induction to say the least and he joins what is shaping up to be the best induction class yet.
Steamboat is out next to address the fans. Everyone should bow down to this great legend, I cant stress enough just how good he was. Just a master of his craft. Jericho is out to interrupt him as expected. Jericho thanks the academy for not voting for Mickey Rourke to win the best actor award last night. This would've been a match I would have loved to seen in Steamboat's prime. Jericho cuts his usual top notch promo running down Steamboat like he did Piper and Flair. Steamboat said he remembers when Jericho told him that he admired him. Steamboat tells Jericho that he is in fact the hypocrite. Sais that while Jericho flip flopped through his career between hating and loving the fans that he never changed his whole career. Just an awesome promo by Steamboat. I'm loving this whole angle. Tells Jericho that he is something that Jericho might never be, and thats a Hall of Famer. Jericho hits him with the mic and runs him into the set. This angle has been awesome. Jericho has been gold and so have the legends in return. Awesome, awesome angle and I cant wait week to week to see where its heading leading into Wrestlemania.
John Cena comes out, Vickie tells him he will not get his rematch tonight, Cena tells her he is gonna follow her wherever she goes until he gets his title match.
John Cena vs Chavo Guerrero:
As Vickie promised Cena will face a member of her family, and its Chavo Guerrero. Cena makes short work of Chavo hitting him with the attitude adjustment, then gets him to tap out in the STF. Short and Sweet, Cena will be on smackdown.
Legacy comes out of the dressing room and makes sure the coast is clear for Orton to follow. Orton has a sledgehammer.
"I hear voices in my head, they council me, they understand, they talk to me"..love that theme song lol. Legacy makes they're way to the ring, Orton and sledgehammer in the lead. Orton basically recaps what hes done so far to the McMahon family. Tells the people that they have no idea what he goes through. Sais he hopes that Triple H's children was watching last week so they can learn from their mothers mistakes. Triple H is shown on the titantron sledgehammer in hand. He appears in the arena and stands on the stage, slowly makes his way towards the ring. Stops on the apron while Orton tells him to stop because someone will get hurt bad. Tells him that both of em should lose their sledgehammers and settle this like men. They drop their sledgehammers and Triple H enters the ring. Triple H pulls out another sledgehammer from behind him and swings but misses, he chases Legacy out, the doors are locked but they escape into a dressing room. They barricade the door but Triple H busts through. Orton and Dibiase are trapped. He nails Dibiase but Orton ducks and the sledgehammer goes through the mirror. Orton and Legacy run down the hall and into their limo. Triple H smashes out the window and then throws the sledgehammer at it as it speeds away. Awesome segment to end the show.
Great Raw this week. While nothing monumental happened, they did a great job of continuing all the storylines heading to mania. CM Punk also became the first man to qualify for the MITB match at Mania. Shawn moves on to face Kozlov next week for the right to face Taker, and an awesome segment to end the show with Triple H and Legacy.
chris jericho,
cm punk,
john cena,
randy orton,
ricky steamboat,
triple h,

WWE Smackdown Review: 2/20/09
Saturday, February 21, 2009 –
1:06 PM
Welcome everyone to this weeks Smackdown review. Sorry I missed ECW this week but things came up and I wasnt able to get to it. Tonight is the first Smackdown since NWO so things should be very interesting with Edge and Triple H holding both world titles, again lol. So lets see what this week brings us shall we.
Smackdown opens much like Raw did this week. With the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge. He begins by cutting your basic, but always effective, heel promo running down the fans saying that hes a winner and they're not. Basically most of the same things he said on Raw. Mentions that hes an 8 time champion now. Ok i might just add that being a multi-time champion doesnt mean even close to what it once did. Jeff Hardy interrupts. Now i'm not a huge Hardy fan although I understand why some people are. But cmon, the facepaint just looks horrible i'm sorry. I'm sure some people like it, but to me it just looks dumb on him, some wrestlers can make that work but in my opinion hes not one of em. Jeff sais Edge gets special treatment because hes "married" to Vickie. Back and forth banter between the two, and Jeff challenges Edge for the belt. Segment ends with Jeff hitting the twist of fate and leaving Edge laying.
Recap of the ending of Raw is shown. Like i said in my Raw review, i believe i was the first one who predicted this outcome, just thought i would toot my own horn there for a second.
Vickie is shown in the back, Kizarny comes in and sais...something about, ah who cares. Edge kicks him out and then tells Vickie that he will face Jeff Hardy tonight. Vickie tells him that it wont be a title match. Edge sais of course not cause it would be stupid, Vickie gives him a dirty look.
Michelle Mccool & Maryse vs Eve Torres & Maria:
Yay a divas match. Can u sense my sarcasm? I used to like womans wrestling but somewhere along the way it just got really horrible and boring, now no matter how hard i try i just cant enjoy it. Maybe its because most of them are just plain bad. I wish they would just put Mickie, Michelle, Jillian, Nataylia, and Beth on the same show because they are really the only ones that know how to work anyways. Then you can have a decent womans division and leave the rest to just show their asses. Maryse pinned Eve. Lets move on.
Miz and Morrison and the Bella twins are shown on their date. Funny stuff here out of Miz and Morrison, they're always pure gold. They degrade the waiter who is obviously Primo in a disguise. Primo and Carlito are in the kitchen both in disguises, Carlito has long blond hair and a blonde goatee lol. Extremely funny stuff here lol. Miz and Morrison finally recognize them. The Colons accidentally hit the twins with pies. This is just a hilarious segment lol. This feud has been really entertaining. Next week they will have a match for the Colon's tag titles.
Shelton Benjamin & Chavo Guerrero vs MVP & R-Truth:
First let me say that why Chavo has gotta be involved in this feud i dont know. I guess they dont have anything else for him to do. I like Chavo but i'm begging for a one on one feud between MVP and Shelton and this seems to be heading toward a triple threat match. The heels jump R-Truth before the match and before MVP can even make his way out there. MVP comes out for the save to a decent MVP chant. Now we have a 2 on 1 match with R-Truth being taken out of the equation. MVP is getting more and more over with every passing week. Sweet looking t-bone suplex by Shelton. Chavo tags himself in wich Shelton didnt like. Shelton the returns the favor leading to Chavo attacking him and hitting him with the frog splash. Chavo then leaves the ring, MVP hits Shelton with the drive by boot for the victory.
Next is a sit down interview with Jim Ross and Triple H about what happened on Raw. I know we've seen Orton/Triple H before but this time around Orton is as hot a heel WWE has had in quite a long time and WWE finally is acknowleging the marriage of Triple H and Stephanie. They have actually made this feud feel very fresh again. The whole buildup has been masterfully done, and the match at Mania should be a classic. Triple H basically sais that Orton has crossed the line and then gets emotional and walks off the set. This should obviously be the main event at Mania this year. I love how WWE is going back to storytelling in this past year, rather then just relying on the same, u screwed me i'm gonna get ya angles they were doing for so long.
Umaga vs Scotty Goldman:
Scotty Goldman's last match in WWE has him getting his ass kicked by the samoan bulldozer himself. I know alot of internet "smarts" love these ROH guys but seriously if they ever thought this guy was gonna get over in the WWE they were high. Umaga has been getting a very positive reaction wich i believe WWE should be trying to not let happen. The face sceen on smackdown is crowded right now with Triple H, Jeff Hardy, MVP, Taker, and soon Mr. Kennedy, they really need Umaga to be that big time heel right now.
Vickie comes out next to tremendous heat. She throws Kozlov's name in the race to face the Undertaker. Shawn Michaels better come out of this and face Taker at mania, and I believe he will. I guess this "chase to end the streak", is something to kill some time with over a month to go till Mania. Kozlov cuts a promo and sais he will break Taker, sounding just like Ivan Drago from Rocky 4 lol.
Hall of Fame inductees announced this week were the Funk Brothers. Just an awesome choice for what looks to be one of the best classes to be inducted yet. Just simply legends of the business and a very fitting choice to go into the HOF.
Edge vs Jeff Hardy:
Main event time up next with Edge facing Jeff in a non-title match. Edge should end up facing John Cena at mania for the title, the seeds for that were planted on Raw. There has been rumors that John Cena could end up facing Hulk Hogan but i just dont see that happening. I've read the spoilers and Cena will be on Smackdown next week, but still no title rematch has been made for Cena/Edge. I just cant see them waiting weeks to do that rematch and then having Cena face Hogan, it just wouldnt make any sense. If Hogan does wrestle then it would make more sense to have him face Jericho considering how he has been running down all the legends as of late. Pretty solid back and forth match, Edge and Jeff obviously have great chemistry and could continue they're long time rivalry for yet another many years to come. Jeff hits the swanton but Matt comes out and hits him with the twist of fate ending the match in a disqualification. Matt then gets on the mic to some very good heat and tells Jeff that he will have to face him next week on Smackdown. Matt has been very solid in his heel work so far, again, i'm loving WWE going back to its storyline routes, nothing sells tickets more then solid storylines and good drama. After Matt leaves the ring Edge hits Jeff with the spear and ends the show holding the title high in the ring.
Well nothing really special on this weeks show, though that doesnt mean it wasnt a good show. The Miz and Morrison/Colon segment, and the main event was very good and stood out to me as the best segments on the show. WWE has time to go with a nice slow build to Mania and seem to be doing just that, wich in the immortal words of Diamond Dallas Page, "thats not a bad thing, its, a good thing :)"
Smackdown opens much like Raw did this week. With the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge. He begins by cutting your basic, but always effective, heel promo running down the fans saying that hes a winner and they're not. Basically most of the same things he said on Raw. Mentions that hes an 8 time champion now. Ok i might just add that being a multi-time champion doesnt mean even close to what it once did. Jeff Hardy interrupts. Now i'm not a huge Hardy fan although I understand why some people are. But cmon, the facepaint just looks horrible i'm sorry. I'm sure some people like it, but to me it just looks dumb on him, some wrestlers can make that work but in my opinion hes not one of em. Jeff sais Edge gets special treatment because hes "married" to Vickie. Back and forth banter between the two, and Jeff challenges Edge for the belt. Segment ends with Jeff hitting the twist of fate and leaving Edge laying.
Recap of the ending of Raw is shown. Like i said in my Raw review, i believe i was the first one who predicted this outcome, just thought i would toot my own horn there for a second.
Vickie is shown in the back, Kizarny comes in and sais...something about, ah who cares. Edge kicks him out and then tells Vickie that he will face Jeff Hardy tonight. Vickie tells him that it wont be a title match. Edge sais of course not cause it would be stupid, Vickie gives him a dirty look.
Michelle Mccool & Maryse vs Eve Torres & Maria:
Yay a divas match. Can u sense my sarcasm? I used to like womans wrestling but somewhere along the way it just got really horrible and boring, now no matter how hard i try i just cant enjoy it. Maybe its because most of them are just plain bad. I wish they would just put Mickie, Michelle, Jillian, Nataylia, and Beth on the same show because they are really the only ones that know how to work anyways. Then you can have a decent womans division and leave the rest to just show their asses. Maryse pinned Eve. Lets move on.
Miz and Morrison and the Bella twins are shown on their date. Funny stuff here out of Miz and Morrison, they're always pure gold. They degrade the waiter who is obviously Primo in a disguise. Primo and Carlito are in the kitchen both in disguises, Carlito has long blond hair and a blonde goatee lol. Extremely funny stuff here lol. Miz and Morrison finally recognize them. The Colons accidentally hit the twins with pies. This is just a hilarious segment lol. This feud has been really entertaining. Next week they will have a match for the Colon's tag titles.
Shelton Benjamin & Chavo Guerrero vs MVP & R-Truth:
First let me say that why Chavo has gotta be involved in this feud i dont know. I guess they dont have anything else for him to do. I like Chavo but i'm begging for a one on one feud between MVP and Shelton and this seems to be heading toward a triple threat match. The heels jump R-Truth before the match and before MVP can even make his way out there. MVP comes out for the save to a decent MVP chant. Now we have a 2 on 1 match with R-Truth being taken out of the equation. MVP is getting more and more over with every passing week. Sweet looking t-bone suplex by Shelton. Chavo tags himself in wich Shelton didnt like. Shelton the returns the favor leading to Chavo attacking him and hitting him with the frog splash. Chavo then leaves the ring, MVP hits Shelton with the drive by boot for the victory.
Next is a sit down interview with Jim Ross and Triple H about what happened on Raw. I know we've seen Orton/Triple H before but this time around Orton is as hot a heel WWE has had in quite a long time and WWE finally is acknowleging the marriage of Triple H and Stephanie. They have actually made this feud feel very fresh again. The whole buildup has been masterfully done, and the match at Mania should be a classic. Triple H basically sais that Orton has crossed the line and then gets emotional and walks off the set. This should obviously be the main event at Mania this year. I love how WWE is going back to storytelling in this past year, rather then just relying on the same, u screwed me i'm gonna get ya angles they were doing for so long.
Umaga vs Scotty Goldman:
Scotty Goldman's last match in WWE has him getting his ass kicked by the samoan bulldozer himself. I know alot of internet "smarts" love these ROH guys but seriously if they ever thought this guy was gonna get over in the WWE they were high. Umaga has been getting a very positive reaction wich i believe WWE should be trying to not let happen. The face sceen on smackdown is crowded right now with Triple H, Jeff Hardy, MVP, Taker, and soon Mr. Kennedy, they really need Umaga to be that big time heel right now.
Vickie comes out next to tremendous heat. She throws Kozlov's name in the race to face the Undertaker. Shawn Michaels better come out of this and face Taker at mania, and I believe he will. I guess this "chase to end the streak", is something to kill some time with over a month to go till Mania. Kozlov cuts a promo and sais he will break Taker, sounding just like Ivan Drago from Rocky 4 lol.
Hall of Fame inductees announced this week were the Funk Brothers. Just an awesome choice for what looks to be one of the best classes to be inducted yet. Just simply legends of the business and a very fitting choice to go into the HOF.
Edge vs Jeff Hardy:
Main event time up next with Edge facing Jeff in a non-title match. Edge should end up facing John Cena at mania for the title, the seeds for that were planted on Raw. There has been rumors that John Cena could end up facing Hulk Hogan but i just dont see that happening. I've read the spoilers and Cena will be on Smackdown next week, but still no title rematch has been made for Cena/Edge. I just cant see them waiting weeks to do that rematch and then having Cena face Hogan, it just wouldnt make any sense. If Hogan does wrestle then it would make more sense to have him face Jericho considering how he has been running down all the legends as of late. Pretty solid back and forth match, Edge and Jeff obviously have great chemistry and could continue they're long time rivalry for yet another many years to come. Jeff hits the swanton but Matt comes out and hits him with the twist of fate ending the match in a disqualification. Matt then gets on the mic to some very good heat and tells Jeff that he will have to face him next week on Smackdown. Matt has been very solid in his heel work so far, again, i'm loving WWE going back to its storyline routes, nothing sells tickets more then solid storylines and good drama. After Matt leaves the ring Edge hits Jeff with the spear and ends the show holding the title high in the ring.
Well nothing really special on this weeks show, though that doesnt mean it wasnt a good show. The Miz and Morrison/Colon segment, and the main event was very good and stood out to me as the best segments on the show. WWE has time to go with a nice slow build to Mania and seem to be doing just that, wich in the immortal words of Diamond Dallas Page, "thats not a bad thing, its, a good thing :)"
jeff hardy,
matt hardy,
randy orton,
triple h,

Raw Review 2/16/09
Monday, February 16, 2009 –
5:55 PM
Welcome everyone to the February 16th edition of Raw. This being the first Raw after the very good No Way Out pay per view I am expecting some very interesting developments, as well as some answers as to what WWE has in store for Wrestlemania. Raw no longer has a champion that is a member of its roster so what will tonight bring to that equation, well lets just see shall we.
Vickie comes out and introduces the new Heavyweight champion..her husband Edge. What a swerve the WWE put on us last night with Edge walking in with one title and leaving with the other one. But it was totally necessary considering my whole Randy Orton facing Triple H prediction. I guess i got my answer on who will face John Cena at Wrestlemania. Edge sais R stands for remarkable and really really smart. Big you suck chants from the fans. Basically tells his story from last night, getting very good heat in the process. Tells everyone their wrong..i laughed as he went around the first row telling everyone they were wrong. Basically what i want to tell everyone on the Wrestlingnewsworld forums every day haha. They wont let me talk there anymore though because "i dont know what i'm talking about", yet i always seem to be way more right then they are and way more observant as well, but thats a whole nother blog altogether, and one i'll be getting to. Ok back to raw, sorry folks lol. Vickie runs her mouth for a little bit as well. Then they proceed to make out wich is never really necessary. John Cena's music hits and the former "champ is here". I'm sure all the Cena haters creamed in their pants last night when he didnt win. To them I say get a life. Cena actually praises Edge for how he did what he did and congratulates Edge. Mentions rematch to a huge roar from the crowd. Edge sais he is going back to smackdown. John sais he thought about what vickie and Edge do together and he threw up in his mouth a little bit. You can hate if u want but that was funny. Edge mentions their previous feud and how he slapped his father. Cena tells him that if he tries to run and hide he'll find him. They're gonna fight and hes gonna hurt him. Nice and straight to the point. Obviously this will be the Title match at mania and I have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever. Great stuff here by everyone involved. Great opening to this Raw.
Quick cut to Shane McMahon in the back. He tells Randy Orton to meet him in the ring later for an unsanctioned fight where one way or another, "this ends tonight".
CM Punk & Cryme Tyme vs William Regal & Rhodes and Dibiase:
6 man tag action up next, combigning these two mini-feuds. Rhodes gets hit early with the GTS, but Regal interferes and we go to commercial. Really, we've been back for like 4 minutes and already back to commercial, ok then. Ok, back now with Dibiase beating on Punk. Basic 6 man tag match with Dibiase pinning JTG with the "dream street".
Steph is telling Shane he's not ready to fight but Shane blows her off.
Next out is Chris Jericho. Tells the academy to not vote for Mickey Rourke. Sais if he wins it will send a message to all the old hall of famers that they can have one more run of success. Roddy F'in Piper comes out. This should be gold. Piper tells Jericho that he respected him before because he used to say what was on his mind and then had the guts to back it up. Tells Jericho he should "shut the hell up". Piper is really emotional talking about "the wrestler" and it looks to be his genuine thoughts. Piper is just pure gold here talking about the past. He can still outtalk 99 percent of todays performers. Sais Old School's Cool..i couldnt agree more. Jericho then attacks him. Awesome segment, I'm beginning to wonder exactly what legend Jericho will end up wrestling at Mania. Its clear it will be someone? Cant wait to find out who. Something tells me it wont be Flair but who knows.
Orton sais he if Shane wants to end it tonight and fight until someone cant move, He can make that happen.
Jamie Noble is the ring. Talking about WrestleMania. Sais he has never had a Mania moment. Well Duh. Talks about Chavo only making it 9 seconds last year. Kane interrupts, chokeslam, pin, match over. Filler segment.
JBL makes his way out to the ring next. For those that dont know, Shawn beat JBL last night in the winner takes all match. JBL sais Shawn is paid in full and basically that he lived up to his end of the bargain, but he could care less. JBL mentions ending Undertakers streak at Mania. God i hope hes not gonna be Takers opponent. Shawn interrupts and comes to the ring looking very happy. Shawn sais he is now back to being the heartbreak kid and Mr. Wrestlemania. Shawn mentions what Taker said to him at the rumble. Sais that there is nobody better to face Taker at Mania then him. Hopefully they wont go with a triple threat and just make it Shawn vs Taker. As i say that Shawn sais next week they will face off for a chance to face and possibly end Takers streak at Mania. Please win Shawn, i usually dont cheer for anyone but god i hope Shawn wins, and he should.
Recap of the Orton/McMahon feud is shown.
Rey Mysterio vs Mike Knox:
Just for starters, Rey Mysterio might have just been the MVP of the pay per view last night. His performance was simply amazing. Knox dominates until the break. Knox again looks very good, he is turning out to be a very good big man and not just another waste of time. I've said it before but i think the guy has plenty of potential to be an upper mid carder for a while. Rey hits a few high flying moves followed by a 619 attempt but is caught by knox and hung up in the "tree of woe" position. But Knox misses and hits the post allowing Rey to roll him up for the victory. Very good TV match, good job by both men.
Melina(c) vs Beth Pheonix: Woman's Title Match:
I dont hate Melina but shes really not that good. Beth on the other hand is and hopefully she wins this so that maybe they can get Trish to come back and wrestle her at Mania. They show a graphic saying over 100 million photos of the divas were looked at on WWE.com. Well i'm sure there has been that much porn watched online too but i dont wanna see the pornstars wrestle either. Plenty of Tits and Ass out there i could care less if its on my wrestling show, just my opinion. Some of the Diva's come out and beat up Santino and Rosa..distracting Beth allowing Melina to roll her up for the win. Blah blah blah, lets move on.
Next they announce that joing Stone Cold in the hall of fame will be Terry and Dory Funk. That is very fitting and its about time. Good year to do it while they are in Texas. Cant find a more fitting class so far then this year. Supposedly Ricky Steamboat, The Von Erichs, and Bill Watts are going in as well. That just might be the best HOF class they've ever had.
Steph is talking on the phone again..tells whoever it is (cough TRIPLE H cough) to hurry and get there before losing the connection.
Shane McMahon vs Randy Orton: Unsanctioned Fight:
Main event time and this should be very interesting. Shane gets the advantage at the start as they fight into the crowd. Orton turns things around and they fight back to ringside. Nothing fancy just alot of punches and kicks leading them back to the ring. Shane knocks Orton over the announce table before grabbing the ring bell and using it twice on Orton. Shane grabs a chair next. Places it in front of Ortons face setting him up for the coast to coast. The legacy interferes again however and begin to beat down Shane. They werent supposed to get involved but hey thats what heels do and after all, this is unsanctioned and there isnt any rules. Orton then delivers the punt to Shane's head. That spot always looks really good and believable. Orton certainly delivers that punt very realisticly. Steph comes out and is crying in the ring over Shane while Orton stalks her. Orton is pure gold right now in his heelish actions. He then RKO's Stephanie. Has that "what did I do" look about him. Triple H comes out and the Legacy scrambles. All I can say is that in the immortal words of Arn Anderson. "I dont like to toot my own horn, but toot toot". I was the first one to call this angle happening and nobody can say otherwise. Most sites I went to didnt even mention the phone call with Stephanie last week. Yet these are the so-called "experts", makes me laugh. But they're too busy knocking everything that WWE is doing that they wouldnt have done to notice what is really going on. Awesome pop for Triple H who is truly pissed off. Great Great ending to the show.
Fantastic Show this week after No Way Out. Awesome segments involving Edge/Cena, Jericho/Piper, and the McMahon/Orton angle. Cant wait till next week.
Vickie comes out and introduces the new Heavyweight champion..her husband Edge. What a swerve the WWE put on us last night with Edge walking in with one title and leaving with the other one. But it was totally necessary considering my whole Randy Orton facing Triple H prediction. I guess i got my answer on who will face John Cena at Wrestlemania. Edge sais R stands for remarkable and really really smart. Big you suck chants from the fans. Basically tells his story from last night, getting very good heat in the process. Tells everyone their wrong..i laughed as he went around the first row telling everyone they were wrong. Basically what i want to tell everyone on the Wrestlingnewsworld forums every day haha. They wont let me talk there anymore though because "i dont know what i'm talking about", yet i always seem to be way more right then they are and way more observant as well, but thats a whole nother blog altogether, and one i'll be getting to. Ok back to raw, sorry folks lol. Vickie runs her mouth for a little bit as well. Then they proceed to make out wich is never really necessary. John Cena's music hits and the former "champ is here". I'm sure all the Cena haters creamed in their pants last night when he didnt win. To them I say get a life. Cena actually praises Edge for how he did what he did and congratulates Edge. Mentions rematch to a huge roar from the crowd. Edge sais he is going back to smackdown. John sais he thought about what vickie and Edge do together and he threw up in his mouth a little bit. You can hate if u want but that was funny. Edge mentions their previous feud and how he slapped his father. Cena tells him that if he tries to run and hide he'll find him. They're gonna fight and hes gonna hurt him. Nice and straight to the point. Obviously this will be the Title match at mania and I have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever. Great stuff here by everyone involved. Great opening to this Raw.
Quick cut to Shane McMahon in the back. He tells Randy Orton to meet him in the ring later for an unsanctioned fight where one way or another, "this ends tonight".
CM Punk & Cryme Tyme vs William Regal & Rhodes and Dibiase:
6 man tag action up next, combigning these two mini-feuds. Rhodes gets hit early with the GTS, but Regal interferes and we go to commercial. Really, we've been back for like 4 minutes and already back to commercial, ok then. Ok, back now with Dibiase beating on Punk. Basic 6 man tag match with Dibiase pinning JTG with the "dream street".
Steph is telling Shane he's not ready to fight but Shane blows her off.
Next out is Chris Jericho. Tells the academy to not vote for Mickey Rourke. Sais if he wins it will send a message to all the old hall of famers that they can have one more run of success. Roddy F'in Piper comes out. This should be gold. Piper tells Jericho that he respected him before because he used to say what was on his mind and then had the guts to back it up. Tells Jericho he should "shut the hell up". Piper is really emotional talking about "the wrestler" and it looks to be his genuine thoughts. Piper is just pure gold here talking about the past. He can still outtalk 99 percent of todays performers. Sais Old School's Cool..i couldnt agree more. Jericho then attacks him. Awesome segment, I'm beginning to wonder exactly what legend Jericho will end up wrestling at Mania. Its clear it will be someone? Cant wait to find out who. Something tells me it wont be Flair but who knows.
Orton sais he if Shane wants to end it tonight and fight until someone cant move, He can make that happen.
Jamie Noble is the ring. Talking about WrestleMania. Sais he has never had a Mania moment. Well Duh. Talks about Chavo only making it 9 seconds last year. Kane interrupts, chokeslam, pin, match over. Filler segment.
JBL makes his way out to the ring next. For those that dont know, Shawn beat JBL last night in the winner takes all match. JBL sais Shawn is paid in full and basically that he lived up to his end of the bargain, but he could care less. JBL mentions ending Undertakers streak at Mania. God i hope hes not gonna be Takers opponent. Shawn interrupts and comes to the ring looking very happy. Shawn sais he is now back to being the heartbreak kid and Mr. Wrestlemania. Shawn mentions what Taker said to him at the rumble. Sais that there is nobody better to face Taker at Mania then him. Hopefully they wont go with a triple threat and just make it Shawn vs Taker. As i say that Shawn sais next week they will face off for a chance to face and possibly end Takers streak at Mania. Please win Shawn, i usually dont cheer for anyone but god i hope Shawn wins, and he should.
Recap of the Orton/McMahon feud is shown.
Rey Mysterio vs Mike Knox:
Just for starters, Rey Mysterio might have just been the MVP of the pay per view last night. His performance was simply amazing. Knox dominates until the break. Knox again looks very good, he is turning out to be a very good big man and not just another waste of time. I've said it before but i think the guy has plenty of potential to be an upper mid carder for a while. Rey hits a few high flying moves followed by a 619 attempt but is caught by knox and hung up in the "tree of woe" position. But Knox misses and hits the post allowing Rey to roll him up for the victory. Very good TV match, good job by both men.
Melina(c) vs Beth Pheonix: Woman's Title Match:
I dont hate Melina but shes really not that good. Beth on the other hand is and hopefully she wins this so that maybe they can get Trish to come back and wrestle her at Mania. They show a graphic saying over 100 million photos of the divas were looked at on WWE.com. Well i'm sure there has been that much porn watched online too but i dont wanna see the pornstars wrestle either. Plenty of Tits and Ass out there i could care less if its on my wrestling show, just my opinion. Some of the Diva's come out and beat up Santino and Rosa..distracting Beth allowing Melina to roll her up for the win. Blah blah blah, lets move on.
Next they announce that joing Stone Cold in the hall of fame will be Terry and Dory Funk. That is very fitting and its about time. Good year to do it while they are in Texas. Cant find a more fitting class so far then this year. Supposedly Ricky Steamboat, The Von Erichs, and Bill Watts are going in as well. That just might be the best HOF class they've ever had.
Steph is talking on the phone again..tells whoever it is (cough TRIPLE H cough) to hurry and get there before losing the connection.
Shane McMahon vs Randy Orton: Unsanctioned Fight:
Main event time and this should be very interesting. Shane gets the advantage at the start as they fight into the crowd. Orton turns things around and they fight back to ringside. Nothing fancy just alot of punches and kicks leading them back to the ring. Shane knocks Orton over the announce table before grabbing the ring bell and using it twice on Orton. Shane grabs a chair next. Places it in front of Ortons face setting him up for the coast to coast. The legacy interferes again however and begin to beat down Shane. They werent supposed to get involved but hey thats what heels do and after all, this is unsanctioned and there isnt any rules. Orton then delivers the punt to Shane's head. That spot always looks really good and believable. Orton certainly delivers that punt very realisticly. Steph comes out and is crying in the ring over Shane while Orton stalks her. Orton is pure gold right now in his heelish actions. He then RKO's Stephanie. Has that "what did I do" look about him. Triple H comes out and the Legacy scrambles. All I can say is that in the immortal words of Arn Anderson. "I dont like to toot my own horn, but toot toot". I was the first one to call this angle happening and nobody can say otherwise. Most sites I went to didnt even mention the phone call with Stephanie last week. Yet these are the so-called "experts", makes me laugh. But they're too busy knocking everything that WWE is doing that they wouldnt have done to notice what is really going on. Awesome pop for Triple H who is truly pissed off. Great Great ending to the show.
Fantastic Show this week after No Way Out. Awesome segments involving Edge/Cena, Jericho/Piper, and the McMahon/Orton angle. Cant wait till next week.
chris jericho,
john cena,
no way out,
randy orton,
rey mysterio,
roddy piper,
triple h,
wwe raw

No Way Out Review 2/15/09
5:55 AM
Welcome everyone to the Slingshot Suplex No Way Out review. Now when i do my show reviews I usually do them while I'm watching the show, but with the ppv's this won't be the case as i like to sit down and just watch and enjoy them. So these reviews wont have as much detail more then likely as my raw/smackdown/ecw reviews have. With that being said, lets see what NWO brought us shall we.
WWE Title Match: Elimination Chamber:
I'd have to say i was shocked to see that this match was the opening match, but obviously it was clear why later on. This match was simply amazing from start to finish. Edge and Jeff Hardy started things out and before the next guy could enter the ring, Jeff caught Edge in a small package and Edge was gone. Seriously holy shit was my reaction. I couldnt believe Edge was gone already. But as we found out later on it was all a part of WWE's master plan to swerve us. From there saw Kozlov enter the ring, followed by Big Show. They played a little can u top this while beating up Jeff for a little while before Triple H enters the chamber. Undertaker was the last entrant, and everybody's in now. Kozlov got eliminated by Taker when he got caught with the last ride out of the corner. Kozlov was actually very good in this match and impresssed me some. Later on and Jeff climbs the chamber and on to the top of the pod where Show crotches him and climbs up after him..Taker nails him and then superplexes Show off the top rope. Thats always an impressive spot to see. Jeff then follows with the swanton bomb off of the pod, simply amazing. Triple H covers Show and eliminates him. Jeff then gets caught in the tombstone and is eliminated leaving Taker and Triple H to fight for the title. Jeff was outstanding in this match and definitely proved to everyone why he is in the main event now. Awesome spot with the double reversal flipping over the ropes and into the tombstone by taker. Triple H gets his foot on the ropes. Taker then kicks out of the pedigree as well. The end saw Taker catch triple H in the last ride out of the corner but The Game reverses it and hits the Pedigree for the win and the title. Just simply an amazing amazing match. You would be hard pressed to find a better chamber match then this. Everyone played their role perferctly. Just awesome.
Predicted Winner: Triple H
Actual Winner: Triple H
Edge was shown in the back yelling at Vickie, who blamed him before apologizing. But as we will later see the night turns out pretty good for Edge.
Randy Orton vs Shane Mcmahon: No Holds Barred:
This match dissapointed me some though it still was a pretty good match. Your basic brawling until they went to the floor. Shane nails Orton with the monitor busting him open quite nicely. Shane lays him on the table and goes to hit the elbow off the top before Legacy intervenes, shane eventually gets the best of them, hitting rhodes with the always nice spot of the dropkick across the ring while cody held the garbage can. He then goes for the elbow through the table and misses in an insanse spot. Orton gets him back in the ring and superplexes him through a table wich was very impressive. After some more brawling around and weapon usage Shane goes to punt Orton who catches him in the RKO for the win. Nice Match but i honestly thought we would see a little more here. Still i cant complain.
Predicted Winner: Randy Orton
Actual Winner: Randy Orton
Jack Swagger(c) vs Fit Finlay: ECW Title Match:
This was just your basic match, nothing really special to report here. Finlay accidentaly knocks Hornswoggle off the apron then gets caught in the Gutwrench Powerbomb, Swagger retains the belt. Swagger once again was very impressive on PPV, albeit in a short outing here.
Predicted Winner: Jack Swagger
Actual Winner: Jack Swagger
JBL vs Shawn Michaels: Winner Takes All:
This storyline has been amazing and this was the blowoff match. Shawns wife was at in the first row. Nice job of storytelling by these 2 in this match as was expected. JBL trying to get Shawn to DQ himself early. They teased Shawn getting counted out at one point after a second clothesline from hell. JBL eventually gets slapped by Shawns wife. Shawn then flips, hitting all his HBK spots followed by Sweet Chin Music for the win.
Predicted Winner: Shawn Michaels
Actual Winner: Shawn Michaels
World Heavyweight Championship Match: Elimination Chamber:
It was gonna be hard for this to top the Smackdown chamber match but they did a wonderful job of trying. Edge attacks Kofi before Kofi could get into the chamber taking him out with the chair and stealing his pod. As soon as this happened all my questions were answered. First, as soon as this happened it was obvious Edge was winning. Wich then told me who was gonna face John Cena at WrestleMania, pretty much confirming my Randy Orton/Triple H prediction as well. Just remember when that does happen that you heard it here first :). Jericho and Rey start the match off. Awesome spot with Rey hanging off top of chamber and dropping onto Jericho into a hurricanrana. Kane enters next, dominates Rey and Jericho, before getting eliminated when Jericho hit the codebreaker, followed by a 619 and Rey jumping off the pod onto Kane for the pin. Mike Knox is in next, basically same formula here as with Kane. He dominates for a couple minutes before setting Rey up for his finisher, Jericho hits codebreaker on Knox and pins him. Edge is in next and Mysterio jumps him immediately, upset over the attack on Kofi. Rey and Jericho are battling on the top rope when Edge comes up behind them, Jericho rolls over both of them powerbombing Edge who basically held on to Rey in a german suplex. Awesome spot there. Cena enters next clears house for a minute then gets caught by the codebreaker, the 619, and a spear and is eliminated. Cena wasnt in the match very long and i'm sure that pleased all the ignorant Cena haters out there. Jericho catches Rey in the Walls of Jericho but before he can turn him over, rey counters with a victory roll and eliminates Jericho leaving Rey and Edge as the last two. Great job teasing a Rey win with many near falls and close counts but in the end it was Edge hitting the spear and winning the World Championship. Great match, suprise win, nice way to end the PPV. It was the only match i got wrong but so did everybody.
Predicted Winner: John Cena
Actual Winner: Edge
All in all No Way Out was a pretty good showing by WWE heading into WrestleMania. Just an awesome smackdown chamber match to open the show. And a swerve ending to close the show. Both top titles changed hands with triple winning the WWE title. And Edge, who came in WWE champ, left World Champ. This ppv was about the chamber matches and it showed. Now we are off to Wrestlemania and it should be very interesting.
WWE Title Match: Elimination Chamber:
I'd have to say i was shocked to see that this match was the opening match, but obviously it was clear why later on. This match was simply amazing from start to finish. Edge and Jeff Hardy started things out and before the next guy could enter the ring, Jeff caught Edge in a small package and Edge was gone. Seriously holy shit was my reaction. I couldnt believe Edge was gone already. But as we found out later on it was all a part of WWE's master plan to swerve us. From there saw Kozlov enter the ring, followed by Big Show. They played a little can u top this while beating up Jeff for a little while before Triple H enters the chamber. Undertaker was the last entrant, and everybody's in now. Kozlov got eliminated by Taker when he got caught with the last ride out of the corner. Kozlov was actually very good in this match and impresssed me some. Later on and Jeff climbs the chamber and on to the top of the pod where Show crotches him and climbs up after him..Taker nails him and then superplexes Show off the top rope. Thats always an impressive spot to see. Jeff then follows with the swanton bomb off of the pod, simply amazing. Triple H covers Show and eliminates him. Jeff then gets caught in the tombstone and is eliminated leaving Taker and Triple H to fight for the title. Jeff was outstanding in this match and definitely proved to everyone why he is in the main event now. Awesome spot with the double reversal flipping over the ropes and into the tombstone by taker. Triple H gets his foot on the ropes. Taker then kicks out of the pedigree as well. The end saw Taker catch triple H in the last ride out of the corner but The Game reverses it and hits the Pedigree for the win and the title. Just simply an amazing amazing match. You would be hard pressed to find a better chamber match then this. Everyone played their role perferctly. Just awesome.
Predicted Winner: Triple H
Actual Winner: Triple H
Edge was shown in the back yelling at Vickie, who blamed him before apologizing. But as we will later see the night turns out pretty good for Edge.
Randy Orton vs Shane Mcmahon: No Holds Barred:
This match dissapointed me some though it still was a pretty good match. Your basic brawling until they went to the floor. Shane nails Orton with the monitor busting him open quite nicely. Shane lays him on the table and goes to hit the elbow off the top before Legacy intervenes, shane eventually gets the best of them, hitting rhodes with the always nice spot of the dropkick across the ring while cody held the garbage can. He then goes for the elbow through the table and misses in an insanse spot. Orton gets him back in the ring and superplexes him through a table wich was very impressive. After some more brawling around and weapon usage Shane goes to punt Orton who catches him in the RKO for the win. Nice Match but i honestly thought we would see a little more here. Still i cant complain.
Predicted Winner: Randy Orton
Actual Winner: Randy Orton
Jack Swagger(c) vs Fit Finlay: ECW Title Match:
This was just your basic match, nothing really special to report here. Finlay accidentaly knocks Hornswoggle off the apron then gets caught in the Gutwrench Powerbomb, Swagger retains the belt. Swagger once again was very impressive on PPV, albeit in a short outing here.
Predicted Winner: Jack Swagger
Actual Winner: Jack Swagger
JBL vs Shawn Michaels: Winner Takes All:
This storyline has been amazing and this was the blowoff match. Shawns wife was at in the first row. Nice job of storytelling by these 2 in this match as was expected. JBL trying to get Shawn to DQ himself early. They teased Shawn getting counted out at one point after a second clothesline from hell. JBL eventually gets slapped by Shawns wife. Shawn then flips, hitting all his HBK spots followed by Sweet Chin Music for the win.
Predicted Winner: Shawn Michaels
Actual Winner: Shawn Michaels
World Heavyweight Championship Match: Elimination Chamber:
It was gonna be hard for this to top the Smackdown chamber match but they did a wonderful job of trying. Edge attacks Kofi before Kofi could get into the chamber taking him out with the chair and stealing his pod. As soon as this happened all my questions were answered. First, as soon as this happened it was obvious Edge was winning. Wich then told me who was gonna face John Cena at WrestleMania, pretty much confirming my Randy Orton/Triple H prediction as well. Just remember when that does happen that you heard it here first :). Jericho and Rey start the match off. Awesome spot with Rey hanging off top of chamber and dropping onto Jericho into a hurricanrana. Kane enters next, dominates Rey and Jericho, before getting eliminated when Jericho hit the codebreaker, followed by a 619 and Rey jumping off the pod onto Kane for the pin. Mike Knox is in next, basically same formula here as with Kane. He dominates for a couple minutes before setting Rey up for his finisher, Jericho hits codebreaker on Knox and pins him. Edge is in next and Mysterio jumps him immediately, upset over the attack on Kofi. Rey and Jericho are battling on the top rope when Edge comes up behind them, Jericho rolls over both of them powerbombing Edge who basically held on to Rey in a german suplex. Awesome spot there. Cena enters next clears house for a minute then gets caught by the codebreaker, the 619, and a spear and is eliminated. Cena wasnt in the match very long and i'm sure that pleased all the ignorant Cena haters out there. Jericho catches Rey in the Walls of Jericho but before he can turn him over, rey counters with a victory roll and eliminates Jericho leaving Rey and Edge as the last two. Great job teasing a Rey win with many near falls and close counts but in the end it was Edge hitting the spear and winning the World Championship. Great match, suprise win, nice way to end the PPV. It was the only match i got wrong but so did everybody.
Predicted Winner: John Cena
Actual Winner: Edge
All in all No Way Out was a pretty good showing by WWE heading into WrestleMania. Just an awesome smackdown chamber match to open the show. And a swerve ending to close the show. Both top titles changed hands with triple winning the WWE title. And Edge, who came in WWE champ, left World Champ. This ppv was about the chamber matches and it showed. Now we are off to Wrestlemania and it should be very interesting.
elimination chamber,
john cena,
no way out,
randy orton,
shawn michaels,
triple h,

No Way Out Preview
Sunday, February 15, 2009 –
6:11 AM
Welcome everyone to the first official Slingshot Suplex Pay Per View preview. This months PPV is No Way Out, featuring Raw/Smackdown elimination chamber title matches. There is only 5 matches scheduled so far so they should all be given decent time with the chamber matches taking up a good chunk of it of course. Although there is always a possability of throwing in a divas match or a promo segment to fill some time as well. Well lets see what we have for tonight shall we.
Jack Swagger (c) vs Fit Finlay: ECW championship match:
Well the ECW title picture got a whole lot more interesting this past Tuesday night as Christian made his return to WWE and challenged the winner of this match. We might see Christian tonight on commentary or in some manor like that. I think this will be a great match and the opener tonight. Should be given pretty good time, and they showed what they could do together 2 weeks ago when they had a pretty good main event on ECW. Finlay is usually always pretty good and Swagger has shown over the last couple months that he can hold his own with some of the top veteran performers in the company. I cant see Finlay winning the title here as Swagger has alot of momentum and a feud leading into Wrestlemania with Christian would make Tuesday nights must watch TV for a little while. Gutwrench Powerbomb, 1,2,3.
Winner: Jack Swagger
Shawn Michaels vs JBL:
Well the story here is that if Shawn wins he is completely free of JBL, and if JBL wins he owns everything that is Shawn Michaels for the rest of eternity. The whole fued has been pure gold and i believe has won over even the most hateful skeptics. These two are among the best storytellers in the business and it has shown bigtime here. I honestly thought they would go straight through to Wrestlemania with this but it looks like they're gonna end it tonight wich is ok too as it will allow Shawn to hopefully face The Undertaker at Mania, something they already hinted at during the Royal Rumble. I've seen some predictions where they have this match ending in a no-contest so that they can end it at Wrestlemania but i just cant see that happening. I think if they wanted it to end at Mania they could've had a tag match of some sort or something else where Shawn got sick of JBL and kicked him leading to the winner takes all at Mania. But they went with the winner takes all stipulation tonight so therefore i'm saying it ends tonight. Shawn hits sweet chin music for the win.
Winner: Shawn Michaels
Randy Orton vs Shane McMahon: No Holds Barred:
Despite what has been the popular hate on this match's build throughout the internet, i actually have loved it. Also, for the people that read my raw and smackdown review i have a feeling that something bigger is brewing possably leading to Wrestlemania with Randy Orton and Triple H. If something happens to Stephanie tonight, and Triple H wins the chamber match then look for that to be the title match at mania. This match should be very good and very physical. Shane McMahon always steps up in these situations and tonight should be no different. I love Randy Orton's character right now and he should go over in this one after a very brutal match that might go all over the building.
Winner: Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Title Match: Elimination Chamber:
John Cena(c), Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Mike Knox, Chris Jericho:
This should very interesting for the fact that I want to see how Kofi and Knox perform on the big stage tonight. I dont think the winner is in doubt all that much here as the only one that could possably win other then Cena is Jericho and hes busy with other things going into WrestleMania. Kane will play his part very well as he always does for years and years now. As will Rey Mysterio and it should be fun to watch Rey and Kofi fly around the chamber. But, no secret who the winner will be, the champ retains.
Winner: John Cena
WWE Championship Match: Elimination Chamber:
Edge(c), Big Show, Vladmir Kozlov, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker:
Now this is where the night gets interesting. This match is going to be very unpredictable and has been built extremely well. As of 2 weeks ago Edge was my pick to retain here, and its still a possability that he will do just that. But like I've said, i have another theory. With Randy Orton reminding everyone that he has a choice of what champion to face at Mania, and Stephs mystery phone call last week on Raw. I now am leaning heavily towards Triple H winning this match resulting in him getting involved in the Mcmahon/Orton storyline. That would actually make perfect sense, after all, Triple H is a part of the family. If this happens, look for Edge and Big Show to face off, with Undertaker likely facing Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy obviously facing Matt, and Kozlov, well, doing whatever he might do at Wrestlemania. If u asked me what I would do, Edge would retain, and i honestly cant think of anyone to wrestle Cena at Mania if it isnt Randy Orton. With that being said, I'm completely torn on who will win this match. Because of the whole who could possably face Cena deal, I wanna pick Edge. But WWE didnt hint at all that on Raw for no reason did they? So my gut tells me that it will the Game walking out of NWO the WWE champion once again.
Winner: Triple H
Should be a solid PPV tonight with alot of things that could or might happen, and most of that will build very heavily towards WrestleMania. I guess we have to wait and see what happens.
Jack Swagger (c) vs Fit Finlay: ECW championship match:
Well the ECW title picture got a whole lot more interesting this past Tuesday night as Christian made his return to WWE and challenged the winner of this match. We might see Christian tonight on commentary or in some manor like that. I think this will be a great match and the opener tonight. Should be given pretty good time, and they showed what they could do together 2 weeks ago when they had a pretty good main event on ECW. Finlay is usually always pretty good and Swagger has shown over the last couple months that he can hold his own with some of the top veteran performers in the company. I cant see Finlay winning the title here as Swagger has alot of momentum and a feud leading into Wrestlemania with Christian would make Tuesday nights must watch TV for a little while. Gutwrench Powerbomb, 1,2,3.
Winner: Jack Swagger
Shawn Michaels vs JBL:
Well the story here is that if Shawn wins he is completely free of JBL, and if JBL wins he owns everything that is Shawn Michaels for the rest of eternity. The whole fued has been pure gold and i believe has won over even the most hateful skeptics. These two are among the best storytellers in the business and it has shown bigtime here. I honestly thought they would go straight through to Wrestlemania with this but it looks like they're gonna end it tonight wich is ok too as it will allow Shawn to hopefully face The Undertaker at Mania, something they already hinted at during the Royal Rumble. I've seen some predictions where they have this match ending in a no-contest so that they can end it at Wrestlemania but i just cant see that happening. I think if they wanted it to end at Mania they could've had a tag match of some sort or something else where Shawn got sick of JBL and kicked him leading to the winner takes all at Mania. But they went with the winner takes all stipulation tonight so therefore i'm saying it ends tonight. Shawn hits sweet chin music for the win.
Winner: Shawn Michaels
Randy Orton vs Shane McMahon: No Holds Barred:
Despite what has been the popular hate on this match's build throughout the internet, i actually have loved it. Also, for the people that read my raw and smackdown review i have a feeling that something bigger is brewing possably leading to Wrestlemania with Randy Orton and Triple H. If something happens to Stephanie tonight, and Triple H wins the chamber match then look for that to be the title match at mania. This match should be very good and very physical. Shane McMahon always steps up in these situations and tonight should be no different. I love Randy Orton's character right now and he should go over in this one after a very brutal match that might go all over the building.
Winner: Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Title Match: Elimination Chamber:
John Cena(c), Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Mike Knox, Chris Jericho:
This should very interesting for the fact that I want to see how Kofi and Knox perform on the big stage tonight. I dont think the winner is in doubt all that much here as the only one that could possably win other then Cena is Jericho and hes busy with other things going into WrestleMania. Kane will play his part very well as he always does for years and years now. As will Rey Mysterio and it should be fun to watch Rey and Kofi fly around the chamber. But, no secret who the winner will be, the champ retains.
Winner: John Cena
WWE Championship Match: Elimination Chamber:
Edge(c), Big Show, Vladmir Kozlov, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker:
Now this is where the night gets interesting. This match is going to be very unpredictable and has been built extremely well. As of 2 weeks ago Edge was my pick to retain here, and its still a possability that he will do just that. But like I've said, i have another theory. With Randy Orton reminding everyone that he has a choice of what champion to face at Mania, and Stephs mystery phone call last week on Raw. I now am leaning heavily towards Triple H winning this match resulting in him getting involved in the Mcmahon/Orton storyline. That would actually make perfect sense, after all, Triple H is a part of the family. If this happens, look for Edge and Big Show to face off, with Undertaker likely facing Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy obviously facing Matt, and Kozlov, well, doing whatever he might do at Wrestlemania. If u asked me what I would do, Edge would retain, and i honestly cant think of anyone to wrestle Cena at Mania if it isnt Randy Orton. With that being said, I'm completely torn on who will win this match. Because of the whole who could possably face Cena deal, I wanna pick Edge. But WWE didnt hint at all that on Raw for no reason did they? So my gut tells me that it will the Game walking out of NWO the WWE champion once again.
Winner: Triple H
Should be a solid PPV tonight with alot of things that could or might happen, and most of that will build very heavily towards WrestleMania. I guess we have to wait and see what happens.
chris jericho,
john cena,
no way out,
shawn michaels,
triple h,

Smackdown Review 2/13/09
Saturday, February 14, 2009 –
5:14 AM
Welcome to the Slingshot Suplex Smackdown Review for this friday the 13th of February. This week brings us the first appearance of Jeff Hardy after the malicious turn attack on him by his brother Matt at the Royal Rumble, revealing that indeed it was him who was Jeff's attacker all along. So here we go.
Edge and Vickie make their way to the ring to kickoff the show. My mind wants to say Edge retains this sunday but if u read my Raw review from this past week, you see that there might be a different plan of attack for WWE heading into Wrestlemania that doesnt involve Edge in the title picture. Anywho, Edge claims hes not 100 percent going into this weekend. Saying that Taker injured his neck last week with the tombstone. Mentions Big Show punching him. Vickie's turn to talk now. Huge heat. Vickie sais Edge wont compete tonight in order to avoid further injury. Amazing heat from the crowd although its hard to tell how much is being pumped in with the edit machine. Weeeeeeeeeelllll its the Big Show. Big Show comes out and tells Edge come this Sunday he'll have No Way Out. If Edge drops the title this sunday look for this match to happen at mania. Bickering back and forth continues before Vickie interrupts and sais that Big Show will take on Kozlov, Taker, and Triple H later tonight in a fatal 4-way match. Pretty good opening segment.
For those of u who didnt read my Raw Review. My theory is this. Orton reminded everyone monday that he gets to choose what champion he faces at Mania. Then later they showed Stephanie talking on the phone to someone and by the way she was talking, i get the feeling it was Triple H she was talking to. Triple H becoming champ sunday and then getting involved with the whole mcmahon/orton angle would actually make perfect sense considering he's a part of the Mcmahon family. Dont call it a prediction just yet, as their is factors that wont allow me to fully say thats what is gonna happen. Just call it a gut feeling.
MVP vs Chavo Guerrero:
I'm loving the face turn from MVP. I've always been in a big fan of his to begin with, and i'm just glad he's not losing every week. This a rematch from a couple weeks ago. Big MVP chant during this match. Thats getting louder every week. Shelton comes out and hits the Gold Standard on MVP causing a DQ. Chavo then hits the frog splash on MVP while he is layed out. Seems they are teasing a 3 way fued here. Id much rather just see it 1 on 1 with Shelton and MVP, but ok.
Taker is shown in the dark and cuts a promo about the chamber match this sunday. His usual good stuff. Has their ever been a better character in wrestling, i think not.
Cut to the Colon's with the twins in the back. Miz and Morrison interject and they seem to be battling a little bit over the girls. Apparently they'll have a match later tonight, winners get to take out the girls. This whole fued these 2 teams have going has to end with a title unification. Otherwise they shouldnt be fueding at all.
Colon's vs Miz and Morrison:
These 2 teams are just so much fun to watch, that i could never get sick of seeing them face each other. Great sequence with Primo and Morrison in the early goings. Probably the 2 best tag teams the WWE has had in a very long time. Hot tag to Primo and he comes in and does the "face clears house" portion of the match, Miz ends up pushing Primo off the top allowing Morrison to hit his flipping neckbreaker for the victory. Decent tag match and Miz and Morrison get the girls. Sluts, lmao, ha ha.
Jeff arrives and is greeted by some guys and gals on his way in. He's up next.
Jeff makes his way to the ring after commercial. They show a video of Matt and Jeff growing up together over the years as Jeff cuts his promo about how Matt betrayed him. Jeff basically sais hes gonna blow off the whole deal, and move on to this sunday to become champ again. Something tells me Matt wont allow that to happen, lol duh. Short and sweet promo by Jeff.
R-Truth vs Ezekial Jackson:
R-Truth makes his annoying entrance to the ring. I dont like to hate on wrestlers but this guy just isnt all that good as i've stated before. Is he the worst ever, not by a longshot, but he just annoys me i guess lol. He's basically a one trick pony. He's got his 2 moves he hits and other then that is barely average. The fact that he was TNA champ at one point just shows how bush league that company is but thats another whole blog all together. I dont know how good Ezekial is on the mic yet, but hes very impressive in his presentation so far. I guess R-Truth is a viable mid card talent, but if he ever goes beyond that i'll be very very suprised. He victory rolls Ezekial here and gets the upset victory. This is actually a decent little mini-fued going on between him and Ezekial. See unlike other wrestling bloggers at some sites i wont mention here, i can give credit even to wrestlers i dont like.
Maria is interviewed in the back, who cares.
Michelle McCool vs Maria:
Michelle seems to be a natural heel but Maria should never enter a wrestling ring other then to strip down to a bikini or bra and panties. Hopefully this wont last long. Eve comes out, distracts Michelle, Maria gets the win with a schoolboy. Lets move on.
Triple H promo next in the back. Nice looking new T'shirt for the game. Sais he has an advantage in the chamber because its his 6th time.
Triple H vs Big Show vs Undertaker vs Kozlov:
Main event time up next as the 4 men make their entrances. Should be a pretty good main event. Too much action for me to report it all so i'm not gonna try lol. Definitely curious to see how Kozlov holds his own this Sunday with the 5 established main event players he'll be in there with. So far a nice fast paced 4-way match with nonstop action. Edge eventually comes out and spears Big Show ending the match in a DQ. Show ends with Edge standing tall with the belt.
Decent Smackdown this week leading to No Way Out. I'll be back either saturday night or sunday morning with my Pay Per View Predictions.
Edge and Vickie make their way to the ring to kickoff the show. My mind wants to say Edge retains this sunday but if u read my Raw review from this past week, you see that there might be a different plan of attack for WWE heading into Wrestlemania that doesnt involve Edge in the title picture. Anywho, Edge claims hes not 100 percent going into this weekend. Saying that Taker injured his neck last week with the tombstone. Mentions Big Show punching him. Vickie's turn to talk now. Huge heat. Vickie sais Edge wont compete tonight in order to avoid further injury. Amazing heat from the crowd although its hard to tell how much is being pumped in with the edit machine. Weeeeeeeeeelllll its the Big Show. Big Show comes out and tells Edge come this Sunday he'll have No Way Out. If Edge drops the title this sunday look for this match to happen at mania. Bickering back and forth continues before Vickie interrupts and sais that Big Show will take on Kozlov, Taker, and Triple H later tonight in a fatal 4-way match. Pretty good opening segment.
For those of u who didnt read my Raw Review. My theory is this. Orton reminded everyone monday that he gets to choose what champion he faces at Mania. Then later they showed Stephanie talking on the phone to someone and by the way she was talking, i get the feeling it was Triple H she was talking to. Triple H becoming champ sunday and then getting involved with the whole mcmahon/orton angle would actually make perfect sense considering he's a part of the Mcmahon family. Dont call it a prediction just yet, as their is factors that wont allow me to fully say thats what is gonna happen. Just call it a gut feeling.
MVP vs Chavo Guerrero:
I'm loving the face turn from MVP. I've always been in a big fan of his to begin with, and i'm just glad he's not losing every week. This a rematch from a couple weeks ago. Big MVP chant during this match. Thats getting louder every week. Shelton comes out and hits the Gold Standard on MVP causing a DQ. Chavo then hits the frog splash on MVP while he is layed out. Seems they are teasing a 3 way fued here. Id much rather just see it 1 on 1 with Shelton and MVP, but ok.
Taker is shown in the dark and cuts a promo about the chamber match this sunday. His usual good stuff. Has their ever been a better character in wrestling, i think not.
Cut to the Colon's with the twins in the back. Miz and Morrison interject and they seem to be battling a little bit over the girls. Apparently they'll have a match later tonight, winners get to take out the girls. This whole fued these 2 teams have going has to end with a title unification. Otherwise they shouldnt be fueding at all.
Colon's vs Miz and Morrison:
These 2 teams are just so much fun to watch, that i could never get sick of seeing them face each other. Great sequence with Primo and Morrison in the early goings. Probably the 2 best tag teams the WWE has had in a very long time. Hot tag to Primo and he comes in and does the "face clears house" portion of the match, Miz ends up pushing Primo off the top allowing Morrison to hit his flipping neckbreaker for the victory. Decent tag match and Miz and Morrison get the girls. Sluts, lmao, ha ha.
Jeff arrives and is greeted by some guys and gals on his way in. He's up next.
Jeff makes his way to the ring after commercial. They show a video of Matt and Jeff growing up together over the years as Jeff cuts his promo about how Matt betrayed him. Jeff basically sais hes gonna blow off the whole deal, and move on to this sunday to become champ again. Something tells me Matt wont allow that to happen, lol duh. Short and sweet promo by Jeff.
R-Truth vs Ezekial Jackson:
R-Truth makes his annoying entrance to the ring. I dont like to hate on wrestlers but this guy just isnt all that good as i've stated before. Is he the worst ever, not by a longshot, but he just annoys me i guess lol. He's basically a one trick pony. He's got his 2 moves he hits and other then that is barely average. The fact that he was TNA champ at one point just shows how bush league that company is but thats another whole blog all together. I dont know how good Ezekial is on the mic yet, but hes very impressive in his presentation so far. I guess R-Truth is a viable mid card talent, but if he ever goes beyond that i'll be very very suprised. He victory rolls Ezekial here and gets the upset victory. This is actually a decent little mini-fued going on between him and Ezekial. See unlike other wrestling bloggers at some sites i wont mention here, i can give credit even to wrestlers i dont like.
Maria is interviewed in the back, who cares.
Michelle McCool vs Maria:
Michelle seems to be a natural heel but Maria should never enter a wrestling ring other then to strip down to a bikini or bra and panties. Hopefully this wont last long. Eve comes out, distracts Michelle, Maria gets the win with a schoolboy. Lets move on.
Triple H promo next in the back. Nice looking new T'shirt for the game. Sais he has an advantage in the chamber because its his 6th time.
Triple H vs Big Show vs Undertaker vs Kozlov:
Main event time up next as the 4 men make their entrances. Should be a pretty good main event. Too much action for me to report it all so i'm not gonna try lol. Definitely curious to see how Kozlov holds his own this Sunday with the 5 established main event players he'll be in there with. So far a nice fast paced 4-way match with nonstop action. Edge eventually comes out and spears Big Show ending the match in a DQ. Show ends with Edge standing tall with the belt.
Decent Smackdown this week leading to No Way Out. I'll be back either saturday night or sunday morning with my Pay Per View Predictions.
big show,
jeff hardy,
matt hardy,
no way out,
triple h,

ECW Review 2/10/09
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 –
9:36 PM
Welcome everyone to the February 10th edition of the slingshot suplex ECW review. Lets see what happens this week coming off of Finlays defeat of Jack Swagger in a non-title match last week, earning him a title match at No Way Out.
The show opens with Swagger coming to the ring. Funny moment where the belt falls off of him lol. Swagger has a ton of potential like i said last week, and might be one of the best newcomers to come along in quite some time. He's getting very good heat from the fans which is a great sign for him. He goes on to cut a promo about how hes been embarrassed the last couple weeks and that hes been a victim. He then calls out Hornseswoggle. But thats not who he gets. Instead Christian returns to the WWE to a huge response from the crowd. I didnt read the spoilers so this is a big suprise to me and a very pleasant one. I believe this is a great way to bring Christian back as its too close to Mania to involve him in any big angles on the other two shows. This will re-establish him quite nicely before going on to bigger and better things on one of the other shows. He cuts a very funny promo making fun of Swaggers lisp. He then issues a challenge to whoever wins at NWO for the ECW championship. He'll probably end up winning the title at Mania. Swagger sais christian isnt a threat to him before Christian bops him on the head with the microphone. Great opening segment with the suprise return of Christian.
Swagger is in the back confronting Teddy Long about Christian before Long reveals that Swagger has to wrestle Christian later in the night. Sweet, another pleasant suprise.
Tommy Dreamer is in the ring. They recap the segment with him and Miz and Morrison last week.
Tommy Dreamer vs The Miz:
Decent back and forth match with Miz getting the win with some sort of jawbreaker move. Decent but forgettable. Dreamer continues to put people over like always.
Jamie Noble is shown in the back talking to Teddy Long about the Boogeyman and his worms. Before Long turns his attention to newcomer Tyson Kidd, apparently trained by Bret Hart in the dungeon. That alone makes me very interested to see what this guy can do.
Christian is in the back getting ready for his match before Finlay and Horneswoggle wander in. Finlay sais he'll be watching the match later and that it wont be Swagger he has to go through to become ECW champion but him.
A return video for Evan Bourne is shown. Cant wait for this kids return as he certainly is an exciting up and coming superstar with a huge upside.
Tyson Kidd vs Bao Nguyen:
The debut of Tyson Kidd is next, he cerainly has an interesting haircut. He's accompanied to the ring by Nataylia, it will be interesting to see if they do anything with him and DH Smith in the future. Sweet spinning dropkick by Tyson. Seems to use his feet very well. He finishes off Nguyen with a springboard elbow drop. Impressive yet short debut from Tyson Kidd. After the match Noble appears on the ramp for a little staredown.
Jack Swagger vs Christian:
Definitely looking forward to this match, although they could've waited another week for his actual in ring debut. Finlay and Horneswoggle make their way to the ringside area before we go to commercial. When we come back those 2 are on commentary and Swagger is in control. Beautiful tornado DDT out of the corner, vintage Christian. Excellent back and forth match and Swagger is again doing a wonderful job of holding his own with a solid ring veteran. I cant say enough about how far along Swagger is already. Swagger ends up throwing Christian over the table into Finlay before sending him back to the ring. He then removes the turnbuckle pad. But as Swagger tries to drop Christian on the exposed buckle, Horneswoggle distracts the ref allowing Finlay to hit Swagger in the leg with the shalaylee. Christian then hits unprettier for the victory.
Great ECW this week with the suprise return of Christian establishing himself in the main event, and re-introducing himself to the WWE universe. We now have a very solid 3 man race for the title going. Swagger should end up retaining at NWO and go on to feud with Christian leading into Wrestlemania.
The show opens with Swagger coming to the ring. Funny moment where the belt falls off of him lol. Swagger has a ton of potential like i said last week, and might be one of the best newcomers to come along in quite some time. He's getting very good heat from the fans which is a great sign for him. He goes on to cut a promo about how hes been embarrassed the last couple weeks and that hes been a victim. He then calls out Hornseswoggle. But thats not who he gets. Instead Christian returns to the WWE to a huge response from the crowd. I didnt read the spoilers so this is a big suprise to me and a very pleasant one. I believe this is a great way to bring Christian back as its too close to Mania to involve him in any big angles on the other two shows. This will re-establish him quite nicely before going on to bigger and better things on one of the other shows. He cuts a very funny promo making fun of Swaggers lisp. He then issues a challenge to whoever wins at NWO for the ECW championship. He'll probably end up winning the title at Mania. Swagger sais christian isnt a threat to him before Christian bops him on the head with the microphone. Great opening segment with the suprise return of Christian.
Swagger is in the back confronting Teddy Long about Christian before Long reveals that Swagger has to wrestle Christian later in the night. Sweet, another pleasant suprise.
Tommy Dreamer is in the ring. They recap the segment with him and Miz and Morrison last week.
Tommy Dreamer vs The Miz:
Decent back and forth match with Miz getting the win with some sort of jawbreaker move. Decent but forgettable. Dreamer continues to put people over like always.
Jamie Noble is shown in the back talking to Teddy Long about the Boogeyman and his worms. Before Long turns his attention to newcomer Tyson Kidd, apparently trained by Bret Hart in the dungeon. That alone makes me very interested to see what this guy can do.
Christian is in the back getting ready for his match before Finlay and Horneswoggle wander in. Finlay sais he'll be watching the match later and that it wont be Swagger he has to go through to become ECW champion but him.
A return video for Evan Bourne is shown. Cant wait for this kids return as he certainly is an exciting up and coming superstar with a huge upside.
Tyson Kidd vs Bao Nguyen:
The debut of Tyson Kidd is next, he cerainly has an interesting haircut. He's accompanied to the ring by Nataylia, it will be interesting to see if they do anything with him and DH Smith in the future. Sweet spinning dropkick by Tyson. Seems to use his feet very well. He finishes off Nguyen with a springboard elbow drop. Impressive yet short debut from Tyson Kidd. After the match Noble appears on the ramp for a little staredown.
Jack Swagger vs Christian:
Definitely looking forward to this match, although they could've waited another week for his actual in ring debut. Finlay and Horneswoggle make their way to the ringside area before we go to commercial. When we come back those 2 are on commentary and Swagger is in control. Beautiful tornado DDT out of the corner, vintage Christian. Excellent back and forth match and Swagger is again doing a wonderful job of holding his own with a solid ring veteran. I cant say enough about how far along Swagger is already. Swagger ends up throwing Christian over the table into Finlay before sending him back to the ring. He then removes the turnbuckle pad. But as Swagger tries to drop Christian on the exposed buckle, Horneswoggle distracts the ref allowing Finlay to hit Swagger in the leg with the shalaylee. Christian then hits unprettier for the victory.
Great ECW this week with the suprise return of Christian establishing himself in the main event, and re-introducing himself to the WWE universe. We now have a very solid 3 man race for the title going. Swagger should end up retaining at NWO and go on to feud with Christian leading into Wrestlemania.
Jack Swagger,
Miz and Morrison,
Tommy Dreamer

Raw Review 2/9/09
Monday, February 9, 2009 –
6:00 PM
Hello everyone and welcome to the February 9th edition of the slingshot suplex raw report. A much anticipated Raw this week with it being the last Raw before No Way Out, undertaker vs randy orton announced, and of course, the return of "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair to WWE tv.
And they dont keep us waiting long as Ric Flair opens the show to a great response. He doesnt get very far before Jericho interrupts him to tremendous heat from the crowd. The crowd is eating this segment up. Just simply 2 of the best on the mic of all time working their magic here, going back and forth. Flair eventually nails Jericho and struts around the ring..can never get sick of seeing that lol. They obviously plant the seeds for a possible match between the two at Mania, even though Flair said he wouldnt wrestle again. They could always have it an unsanctioned match of some sort being more of a fight then an actual match, I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this all progresses. All in all a great beginning to Raw this week.
A recap of what happened last week with Randy Orton and Shane Mcmahon, including that awesome backstage segment where Shane took the kick for Stephanie. I actually love how this is progressing, its a great way to keep Orton busy till mania and the match at NWO should be very good.
Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall vs Melina & Kelly Kelly:
Diva tag action up next. Hopefully short and sweet. They announce Melina will defend the title against Beth next week. I'm praying Beth wins so that Trish can hopefully return and face Beth at WrestleMania. Trish has been hinting that she wouldnt mind wrestling at the big show this year so lets all hope and pray thats the case. Rosa trips up Melina on the ropes leading to Beth hitting her finisher for the win. Thankfully a short match and now we can move on.
They recap WrestleMania 3 next and its quite simply the best Mania of all time and will always be in my eyes. The huge crowd of 93,000 people, one of the best matches of all time with Steamboat vs Savage, and what is still the most epic main event of all time with Hogan vs Andre. Simply the best event in wrestling history.
JBL and Shawn Michaels are in the back. JBL reminds Shawn that at least until Sunday he is still his employee. Sais he set up a match between Shawn and the worlds strongest jobber, er man, Mark Henry later tonight.
The Legacy makes their way out to the stage next as Orton reminds everyone that he won the royal rumble and he has a choice on who he faces at Mania. I honestly cant see him not facing John Cena but i guess WWE could swerve us and have him choose Smackdowns champion if it ends up being Triple H. Actually that would make sense considering Triple H is a member of the Mcmahon family. I'm hoping for Orton vs Cena but i'm just saying that scenario would make sense if it did happen. I dont think either champion will lose at NWO though. But that just popped in my head so i figured i would throw it out there as a possability.
Dibiase and Rhodes vs Cryme Time:
Next we get a rematch of last week where Dibiase and Rhodes got DQ'ed and beat down Shad afterwards. During the match a disclaimer telling viewers where to find the Westminster dog show is shown. Thank god USA finally smartened up and stopped delaying Raw for this worthless piece of shit show. Nothing against dogs and dog lovers but seriously lol. Short match with Rhodes hitting JTG with his new finisher which i guess has been dubbed "crossroads". Basic tag match with the right team going over here.
Just like to mention that i've never seen the show "Burn Notice"...but it stars the immortal Bruce Campbell and thats a good thing. Long Live Ash, keep kicking some deadite ass wooo. (Yes i'm a horror geek lol)
Kane, Mike Knox, Chris Jericho vs John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio:
6 man tag action next featuring all the members of the Raw elimination chamber match. Jericho comes out still selling the punch from Flair, showing why he is one of the best of his time. Cena comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. I'm sure there were a few boos in there but the cheers certainly drowned them out. Love him or not nobody can deny the electricity in the building when he enters the arena. They come back from break with Kofi and Kane in the ring. I hope Kofi and Knox realize how big of an opportunity they have this sunday to impress everyone and prove they belong near the top of the card. Great spot to end the match with Jericho catching Kofi in mid air with the codebreaker for the win. Great 6 man tag with lots of energy, a hot crowd and a great finish. Everyone was on top of their game here.
Steph is in the back talking to someone on the phone. Her dad maybe, or Shane, or...Triple H. Hmm, the more i think about it the more they might be leading toward a Triple H involment in this whole deal. When she said "we all have alot going on this weekend, was it Triple H on the other line saying that he has the chamber match to worry about, I dont know, maybe i'm reading to much into the whole thing but i guess we'll have to see how it all goes down. But if something ends up happening to Steph either later tonight or this sunday look for Triple H to get involved, especially if he wins the title Sunday. I honestly cant think who would face Cena at Mania if this is the case but it all just seems to make sense to me the more i think about it. What might happen at NWO is getting more and more interesting by the minute.
Shawn Michaels vs Mark Henry:
JBL makes his way out and sits at ringside as the match gets underway. Shawn goes after Henry like a wildman eventually pulling a chair out. Henry takes it away but gets it superkicked into his face disqualifying Shawn. JBL quickly gets on the mic to remind Shawn that if he were to get DQ'd or counted out at NWO that he will forever belong to him. He then goes on to tell Shawn to bring his wife to NWO to witness the match. Obviously Shawn is going over at NWO, but the build for this match has been superb.
CM Punk (c) vs William Regal:
Intercontinental Championship rematch up next. Why the champion comes out first i'll never know. Should be a very physical match as most of Regal's matches are. Very short match with Punk putting Regal away with the GTS. Seriously if u blinked you missed this match. But now Punk can move on from Regal and will probably end up in the Money in the Bank match.
While theres a commercial i would just like to elaborate on the whole possability of Orton vs Triple H. at Mania scenario i've been touching on. I honestly never saw this as a possible match until some of the subtle hints dropped on tonights show. I'm not necessarily predicting this outcome but i can now see it as something that could happen. Two things are keeping me from presenting this as a fullout prediction. 1. I cant possably think of who John Cena would face for the title if it wasnt Orton. Undertaker will probably be busy with Shawn, and even if not i cant see him facing Cena due to the fact that Taker's not losing at Mania and him vs Cena would mean that he would win the title at Mania 3 years in a row, and if Edge isnt champion after this sunday he would probably end up feuding with Big Show which is being heavily teased. Jericho and JBl have been done and really nobody else is built up enough right now to face Cena for the belt so i'm baffled. 2. I think Orton will win whatever belt he challenges for at Mania and if they went with him vs Triple H. it would mean that the WWE championship would have to change hands at 5 straight PPV's. Its actually a very good thing that WWE has me wondering whats gonna happen and it should all be cleared up this sunday for sure.
Randy Orton vs Undertaker:
Its main event time and the crowd is buzzing even before the gong hits. Taker enters to a huge pop as always. Who wouldnt pop for that entrance, perhaps the best entrance ever in this business. Solid match going on until The rest of Legacy interfere and end the match via DQ. Legacy continues to beat down the deadman until Shane hits the ring and saves the day. Orton bails out and is left to watch Rhodes get chokeslammed, and then Shane hit Dibiase with the dropkick across the ring with Dibiase holding the garbage can. Always a tremendous spot to see and a great way to end the show.
Overall a very good raw. Dropping some subtle hints towards what could happen, i mean they showed Steph talking on the phone for a reason and i suppose it couldve just been Vince but something tells me otherwise. No Way Out will bring a tremendous amount of answers in that regard. Good start with the Jericho/Flair interaction. Tremendous 6 man tag, and a solid closing to end this weeks Raw.
And they dont keep us waiting long as Ric Flair opens the show to a great response. He doesnt get very far before Jericho interrupts him to tremendous heat from the crowd. The crowd is eating this segment up. Just simply 2 of the best on the mic of all time working their magic here, going back and forth. Flair eventually nails Jericho and struts around the ring..can never get sick of seeing that lol. They obviously plant the seeds for a possible match between the two at Mania, even though Flair said he wouldnt wrestle again. They could always have it an unsanctioned match of some sort being more of a fight then an actual match, I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this all progresses. All in all a great beginning to Raw this week.
A recap of what happened last week with Randy Orton and Shane Mcmahon, including that awesome backstage segment where Shane took the kick for Stephanie. I actually love how this is progressing, its a great way to keep Orton busy till mania and the match at NWO should be very good.
Beth Phoenix & Jillian Hall vs Melina & Kelly Kelly:
Diva tag action up next. Hopefully short and sweet. They announce Melina will defend the title against Beth next week. I'm praying Beth wins so that Trish can hopefully return and face Beth at WrestleMania. Trish has been hinting that she wouldnt mind wrestling at the big show this year so lets all hope and pray thats the case. Rosa trips up Melina on the ropes leading to Beth hitting her finisher for the win. Thankfully a short match and now we can move on.
They recap WrestleMania 3 next and its quite simply the best Mania of all time and will always be in my eyes. The huge crowd of 93,000 people, one of the best matches of all time with Steamboat vs Savage, and what is still the most epic main event of all time with Hogan vs Andre. Simply the best event in wrestling history.
JBL and Shawn Michaels are in the back. JBL reminds Shawn that at least until Sunday he is still his employee. Sais he set up a match between Shawn and the worlds strongest jobber, er man, Mark Henry later tonight.
The Legacy makes their way out to the stage next as Orton reminds everyone that he won the royal rumble and he has a choice on who he faces at Mania. I honestly cant see him not facing John Cena but i guess WWE could swerve us and have him choose Smackdowns champion if it ends up being Triple H. Actually that would make sense considering Triple H is a member of the Mcmahon family. I'm hoping for Orton vs Cena but i'm just saying that scenario would make sense if it did happen. I dont think either champion will lose at NWO though. But that just popped in my head so i figured i would throw it out there as a possability.
Dibiase and Rhodes vs Cryme Time:
Next we get a rematch of last week where Dibiase and Rhodes got DQ'ed and beat down Shad afterwards. During the match a disclaimer telling viewers where to find the Westminster dog show is shown. Thank god USA finally smartened up and stopped delaying Raw for this worthless piece of shit show. Nothing against dogs and dog lovers but seriously lol. Short match with Rhodes hitting JTG with his new finisher which i guess has been dubbed "crossroads". Basic tag match with the right team going over here.
Just like to mention that i've never seen the show "Burn Notice"...but it stars the immortal Bruce Campbell and thats a good thing. Long Live Ash, keep kicking some deadite ass wooo. (Yes i'm a horror geek lol)
Kane, Mike Knox, Chris Jericho vs John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio:
6 man tag action next featuring all the members of the Raw elimination chamber match. Jericho comes out still selling the punch from Flair, showing why he is one of the best of his time. Cena comes out to a huge pop from the crowd. I'm sure there were a few boos in there but the cheers certainly drowned them out. Love him or not nobody can deny the electricity in the building when he enters the arena. They come back from break with Kofi and Kane in the ring. I hope Kofi and Knox realize how big of an opportunity they have this sunday to impress everyone and prove they belong near the top of the card. Great spot to end the match with Jericho catching Kofi in mid air with the codebreaker for the win. Great 6 man tag with lots of energy, a hot crowd and a great finish. Everyone was on top of their game here.
Steph is in the back talking to someone on the phone. Her dad maybe, or Shane, or...Triple H. Hmm, the more i think about it the more they might be leading toward a Triple H involment in this whole deal. When she said "we all have alot going on this weekend, was it Triple H on the other line saying that he has the chamber match to worry about, I dont know, maybe i'm reading to much into the whole thing but i guess we'll have to see how it all goes down. But if something ends up happening to Steph either later tonight or this sunday look for Triple H to get involved, especially if he wins the title Sunday. I honestly cant think who would face Cena at Mania if this is the case but it all just seems to make sense to me the more i think about it. What might happen at NWO is getting more and more interesting by the minute.
Shawn Michaels vs Mark Henry:
JBL makes his way out and sits at ringside as the match gets underway. Shawn goes after Henry like a wildman eventually pulling a chair out. Henry takes it away but gets it superkicked into his face disqualifying Shawn. JBL quickly gets on the mic to remind Shawn that if he were to get DQ'd or counted out at NWO that he will forever belong to him. He then goes on to tell Shawn to bring his wife to NWO to witness the match. Obviously Shawn is going over at NWO, but the build for this match has been superb.
CM Punk (c) vs William Regal:
Intercontinental Championship rematch up next. Why the champion comes out first i'll never know. Should be a very physical match as most of Regal's matches are. Very short match with Punk putting Regal away with the GTS. Seriously if u blinked you missed this match. But now Punk can move on from Regal and will probably end up in the Money in the Bank match.
While theres a commercial i would just like to elaborate on the whole possability of Orton vs Triple H. at Mania scenario i've been touching on. I honestly never saw this as a possible match until some of the subtle hints dropped on tonights show. I'm not necessarily predicting this outcome but i can now see it as something that could happen. Two things are keeping me from presenting this as a fullout prediction. 1. I cant possably think of who John Cena would face for the title if it wasnt Orton. Undertaker will probably be busy with Shawn, and even if not i cant see him facing Cena due to the fact that Taker's not losing at Mania and him vs Cena would mean that he would win the title at Mania 3 years in a row, and if Edge isnt champion after this sunday he would probably end up feuding with Big Show which is being heavily teased. Jericho and JBl have been done and really nobody else is built up enough right now to face Cena for the belt so i'm baffled. 2. I think Orton will win whatever belt he challenges for at Mania and if they went with him vs Triple H. it would mean that the WWE championship would have to change hands at 5 straight PPV's. Its actually a very good thing that WWE has me wondering whats gonna happen and it should all be cleared up this sunday for sure.
Randy Orton vs Undertaker:
Its main event time and the crowd is buzzing even before the gong hits. Taker enters to a huge pop as always. Who wouldnt pop for that entrance, perhaps the best entrance ever in this business. Solid match going on until The rest of Legacy interfere and end the match via DQ. Legacy continues to beat down the deadman until Shane hits the ring and saves the day. Orton bails out and is left to watch Rhodes get chokeslammed, and then Shane hit Dibiase with the dropkick across the ring with Dibiase holding the garbage can. Always a tremendous spot to see and a great way to end the show.
Overall a very good raw. Dropping some subtle hints towards what could happen, i mean they showed Steph talking on the phone for a reason and i suppose it couldve just been Vince but something tells me otherwise. No Way Out will bring a tremendous amount of answers in that regard. Good start with the Jericho/Flair interaction. Tremendous 6 man tag, and a solid closing to end this weeks Raw.
chris jericho,
hogan vs andre,
john cena,
no way out,
randy orton,
ric flair,
shane mcmahon,
shawn michaels,
stephanie mcmahon,
wwe raw

Smackdown Review 2/6/09
Friday, February 6, 2009 –
7:17 PM
Hello everyone and welcome to my Smackdown review column. Once again i would like to encourage everyone to leave a comment on my review and/or your thoughts on the show and feel free to discuss other peoples comments with them also. Id like to have a nice little wrestling forum here for intelligent fans to discuss with each other this art of entertainment that we all love.
Tonight is the second night of the back to back smackdown tapings which will probably mean more edited in crowd noise then usual. It is this reason alone that i will always like Raw a little better then smackdown, u just get the real emotion. I wish WWE would just go with the crowd reactions on Smackdown the way they are but they feel the need to pipe some in every week and its always so obvious when they do it. So lets see what this friday night brings us shall we.
Qualifying Battle Royal For Elimination Chamber Spot:
Multiple Superstars in the ring already as Kozlov and Khali make there way to the ring, which makes it pretty obvious that one of them are going to win the spot. Vickie comes out and announces that Jeff Hardy will get a spot if he makes it back in time so this match is for the last spot. Oh man Scotty Goldman is out, and i thought he might win, haha. Wow a Kizarny spotting, not sure how good he is in the ring yet but he has something that alot of superstars dont have and thats the ability to stand out, thats usually a plus. MVP eliminates Shelton then is eliminated by Chavo. Shelton then nails MVP before commercial. Wouldnt a U.S. title match between MVP and Shelton at Wrestlemania be sweet. They'll probably both end up in money in the bank though so hopefully they'll give them a match at No Way Out, but i'm probably wrong and they'll probably just end up fueding on Smackdown for the belt. Back from break and Khali is throwing guys out with ease as he should be doin in this type of match. But after eliminating Hawkins and Ryder Kozlov dumps him from behind pretty much locking him up as the winner. Hes left with R-Truth and the Colons. Nice spot with the triple dropkick. He then backdrops both the tag champs at the same time leaving him and R-Truth, who i'm not a real big fan of. Kozlov then dumps him over the top for the win. Thats really the only thing that made sense considering his involvement in the main event picture lately. I actually like Kozlov. He has a long way to go but does bring a sense of "old school bad ass heel" to the table.
Interview with Hurricane Helms next. Boy has his return fell flat. I think he was in line for a push until the crowd reactions he was supposed to get was pretty much non existant. Too bad cause i like hurricane but if you read my column on what makes a good worker then you probably can understand why his push ended fast. He didnt even get a spot in the rumble match. He cuts a promo that Matt has always been a jerk and is just letting that out now. He tells Matt hes going to find him later.
Edge and Vickie in the back talking about the elimination chamber. Big Show comes in and taunts Edge a little with a smile on his face. Edge tells him not to try anything cute or Vickie will take him out of the chamber. Big Show tells him sarcastically that he believes in him. So is Big Show turning face or whats going on. I dont know, dont really care because Big Show can play a Tweener just fine.
Matt Hardy is in the ring and calls Hurricane out. Hurricane makes his way to the ring and we have a fight going on. Hurricane gets the upper hand before Matt tries to escape but gets stopped. Hurricane should of let em go because Matt ends up beating him down pretty bad. Good segment to show the vicious side of Matt Hardy. I would just like to say i knew the attacker on Jeff was Matt all along. I know alot of fans thought or hoped it would be Christian but if you've watched wrestling as long as i have it was obvious that all the subtle hints pointed to Matt. I predicted it right after the first attack and man i love being right lol. This angle i believe is much better build for the emotions of Wrestlemania then if it was Christian.
Shelton Benjamin vs MVP(non-title)
Shelton cuts a decent promo before the match. Hes really come into his own the last few months. Hey hey leave Peyton Manning alone though (i'm a colts fan lol). MVP makes his way to the ring. I believe the face turn for MVP will be very succesfull. He has all the tools to be a main event player and these two could both be favorites to end up winning money in the bank. Good MVP chant at one point, all reports is that hes very over as a face at house shows. Very nice match showing just a sampling of what these two can do together. MVP gets the win with the Drive By boot. Cant wait till the title match.
Colons and R-Truth are in the back heading out for 6 man action. As i said earlier i'm not a big fan of R-Truth. I just dont think hes all that good. He has a couple of decent moves but outside of that his ringwork is lackluster at best and his entrance is borderline annoying to me and i just dont see him moving very far up the card anytime soon.
Colons & R-Truth vs Miz and Morrison & Brian Kendrick:
First of all it makes no sense to not have the raw tag champs appear on raw but yet they wrestle on Smackdown this week. Hopefully they unify the tag belts soon as they're is really no need to have two with the limited amount of tag teams there is. Colons and R-Truth come out to some piped in crowd noise. The crowd was saying the "wassups" but the whole shtick is running its course fast and thats not a good thing for R-Truth. That being said this should be a very good 6 man. R-Truth gets beatdown before giving Carlito the hot tag. The Colons are the best babyface tag team in quite some time. Kendrick hits "the kendrick" on Carlito for the win. Decent but short 6 man tag match.
Jeff will return next week, should be interesting to say the least.
Michelle McCool vs Eve:
As i have stated before i'm not a fan of the divas outside of Beth and Mickie. So this match interests me very little. If they can wrestle decent i dont mind but most of them just suck. There is plenty of Tits and ass on tv and the internet i dont prefer to see it on my wrestling show, but maybe thats just me. Michelle is on the rise though and seems to be improving in the ring quite a bit. This heel role seems to fit her nicely. She eventually gets Eve to tap out holding on to the hold until Maria comes out. Maria is a real big waste of space if u ask me and should never be in a ring actually wrestling. But lets move on shall we.
Interview with Matt who really seems to be embracing his new heel role. He threatens another "accident" on Jeff before next week. Sais he'll be waiting and ready to welcome back Jeff next week. Should be good stuff next friday.
Umaga vs Kung Fu Naki:
Oh boy Funaki should of stayed in the back lol. Great to see Umaga back kicking ass again. I'm a huge fan and in my opinion Umaga could make a great heel champion sometime. Not sure if he will ever get the belt though. Umaga actually plays to the crowd a little bit in this match. That is very interesting. Might not mean anything but its definitely worth noting. Typical Umaga beat down but just nice to see the big man back.
Edge & Big Show vs Triple H & Undertaker:
Its main event time folks. All 4 men of course are in the chamber match at No Way Out so a nice idea for a tag main event. The Smackdown chamber match should be more interesting then the Raw match, and even though u would think one of the belts will change hands i just dont think it would make sense to do so. I see both champions retaining at the PPV. I'd just like to point out that even after all these years the Undertakers entrance never gets old. Very nice spot with Edge going for the spear and Triple H hopping up and almost catching him in the pedigree. Triple H and Edge show in this match what could possibly be an excellent WrestleMania title match if thats the direction WWE goes. Thats the only direction i can see them going and i believe they will have a stellar match for the belt. So far this is an excellent tag match. Taker gets the hot tag to a huge pop and clears house before Big Show hits him with a legdrop while he had Edge ready to tap out. Triple H's turn for the hot tag but he gets caught with a chokeslam. Edge pushes Show who knocks him out with a big right hook. Taker then gets tagged in and tombstones Edge for the victory while Show just stands on the apron watching. Solid Tag Team main event to end what was a pretty decent smackdown.
Solid show. Good job of furthering Matt hardy as a heel, great match with Shelton vs MVP, and a very solid main event to end the show. Next week should be very good with Jeff returning.
Tonight is the second night of the back to back smackdown tapings which will probably mean more edited in crowd noise then usual. It is this reason alone that i will always like Raw a little better then smackdown, u just get the real emotion. I wish WWE would just go with the crowd reactions on Smackdown the way they are but they feel the need to pipe some in every week and its always so obvious when they do it. So lets see what this friday night brings us shall we.
Qualifying Battle Royal For Elimination Chamber Spot:
Multiple Superstars in the ring already as Kozlov and Khali make there way to the ring, which makes it pretty obvious that one of them are going to win the spot. Vickie comes out and announces that Jeff Hardy will get a spot if he makes it back in time so this match is for the last spot. Oh man Scotty Goldman is out, and i thought he might win, haha. Wow a Kizarny spotting, not sure how good he is in the ring yet but he has something that alot of superstars dont have and thats the ability to stand out, thats usually a plus. MVP eliminates Shelton then is eliminated by Chavo. Shelton then nails MVP before commercial. Wouldnt a U.S. title match between MVP and Shelton at Wrestlemania be sweet. They'll probably both end up in money in the bank though so hopefully they'll give them a match at No Way Out, but i'm probably wrong and they'll probably just end up fueding on Smackdown for the belt. Back from break and Khali is throwing guys out with ease as he should be doin in this type of match. But after eliminating Hawkins and Ryder Kozlov dumps him from behind pretty much locking him up as the winner. Hes left with R-Truth and the Colons. Nice spot with the triple dropkick. He then backdrops both the tag champs at the same time leaving him and R-Truth, who i'm not a real big fan of. Kozlov then dumps him over the top for the win. Thats really the only thing that made sense considering his involvement in the main event picture lately. I actually like Kozlov. He has a long way to go but does bring a sense of "old school bad ass heel" to the table.
Interview with Hurricane Helms next. Boy has his return fell flat. I think he was in line for a push until the crowd reactions he was supposed to get was pretty much non existant. Too bad cause i like hurricane but if you read my column on what makes a good worker then you probably can understand why his push ended fast. He didnt even get a spot in the rumble match. He cuts a promo that Matt has always been a jerk and is just letting that out now. He tells Matt hes going to find him later.
Edge and Vickie in the back talking about the elimination chamber. Big Show comes in and taunts Edge a little with a smile on his face. Edge tells him not to try anything cute or Vickie will take him out of the chamber. Big Show tells him sarcastically that he believes in him. So is Big Show turning face or whats going on. I dont know, dont really care because Big Show can play a Tweener just fine.
Matt Hardy is in the ring and calls Hurricane out. Hurricane makes his way to the ring and we have a fight going on. Hurricane gets the upper hand before Matt tries to escape but gets stopped. Hurricane should of let em go because Matt ends up beating him down pretty bad. Good segment to show the vicious side of Matt Hardy. I would just like to say i knew the attacker on Jeff was Matt all along. I know alot of fans thought or hoped it would be Christian but if you've watched wrestling as long as i have it was obvious that all the subtle hints pointed to Matt. I predicted it right after the first attack and man i love being right lol. This angle i believe is much better build for the emotions of Wrestlemania then if it was Christian.
Shelton Benjamin vs MVP(non-title)
Shelton cuts a decent promo before the match. Hes really come into his own the last few months. Hey hey leave Peyton Manning alone though (i'm a colts fan lol). MVP makes his way to the ring. I believe the face turn for MVP will be very succesfull. He has all the tools to be a main event player and these two could both be favorites to end up winning money in the bank. Good MVP chant at one point, all reports is that hes very over as a face at house shows. Very nice match showing just a sampling of what these two can do together. MVP gets the win with the Drive By boot. Cant wait till the title match.
Colons and R-Truth are in the back heading out for 6 man action. As i said earlier i'm not a big fan of R-Truth. I just dont think hes all that good. He has a couple of decent moves but outside of that his ringwork is lackluster at best and his entrance is borderline annoying to me and i just dont see him moving very far up the card anytime soon.
Colons & R-Truth vs Miz and Morrison & Brian Kendrick:
First of all it makes no sense to not have the raw tag champs appear on raw but yet they wrestle on Smackdown this week. Hopefully they unify the tag belts soon as they're is really no need to have two with the limited amount of tag teams there is. Colons and R-Truth come out to some piped in crowd noise. The crowd was saying the "wassups" but the whole shtick is running its course fast and thats not a good thing for R-Truth. That being said this should be a very good 6 man. R-Truth gets beatdown before giving Carlito the hot tag. The Colons are the best babyface tag team in quite some time. Kendrick hits "the kendrick" on Carlito for the win. Decent but short 6 man tag match.
Jeff will return next week, should be interesting to say the least.
Michelle McCool vs Eve:
As i have stated before i'm not a fan of the divas outside of Beth and Mickie. So this match interests me very little. If they can wrestle decent i dont mind but most of them just suck. There is plenty of Tits and ass on tv and the internet i dont prefer to see it on my wrestling show, but maybe thats just me. Michelle is on the rise though and seems to be improving in the ring quite a bit. This heel role seems to fit her nicely. She eventually gets Eve to tap out holding on to the hold until Maria comes out. Maria is a real big waste of space if u ask me and should never be in a ring actually wrestling. But lets move on shall we.
Interview with Matt who really seems to be embracing his new heel role. He threatens another "accident" on Jeff before next week. Sais he'll be waiting and ready to welcome back Jeff next week. Should be good stuff next friday.
Umaga vs Kung Fu Naki:
Oh boy Funaki should of stayed in the back lol. Great to see Umaga back kicking ass again. I'm a huge fan and in my opinion Umaga could make a great heel champion sometime. Not sure if he will ever get the belt though. Umaga actually plays to the crowd a little bit in this match. That is very interesting. Might not mean anything but its definitely worth noting. Typical Umaga beat down but just nice to see the big man back.
Edge & Big Show vs Triple H & Undertaker:
Its main event time folks. All 4 men of course are in the chamber match at No Way Out so a nice idea for a tag main event. The Smackdown chamber match should be more interesting then the Raw match, and even though u would think one of the belts will change hands i just dont think it would make sense to do so. I see both champions retaining at the PPV. I'd just like to point out that even after all these years the Undertakers entrance never gets old. Very nice spot with Edge going for the spear and Triple H hopping up and almost catching him in the pedigree. Triple H and Edge show in this match what could possibly be an excellent WrestleMania title match if thats the direction WWE goes. Thats the only direction i can see them going and i believe they will have a stellar match for the belt. So far this is an excellent tag match. Taker gets the hot tag to a huge pop and clears house before Big Show hits him with a legdrop while he had Edge ready to tap out. Triple H's turn for the hot tag but he gets caught with a chokeslam. Edge pushes Show who knocks him out with a big right hook. Taker then gets tagged in and tombstones Edge for the victory while Show just stands on the apron watching. Solid Tag Team main event to end what was a pretty decent smackdown.
Solid show. Good job of furthering Matt hardy as a heel, great match with Shelton vs MVP, and a very solid main event to end the show. Next week should be very good with Jeff returning.
battle royal,
big show,
jeff hardy,
matt hardy,
no way out,
shelton benjamin,
title match,
triple h,

What Makes A Good Worker
Thursday, February 5, 2009 –
8:24 AM
First off id like to say my blog has gotten over 60 views in just a few days of existence so thank you to everyone and please dont be afraid to leave a comment when u visit, just click the title of the blog or the little comment tab at the bottom of each blog. I will always try and comment back or u can comment on each others comments and discuss amongst each other the wrestling world.
I was in a wrestling chat room the other day and a couple people were saying that Hulk Hogan was not a good worker, and this got me thinking. What exactly makes a good "worker". I believe that alot of fans don't really understand the term in the first place. So let me elaborate on my thoughts on the subject.
The term "worker" means to work the crowd. It doesnt mean to be the best technical wrestler, or do the highest risk spots or any of that. If u ask any wrestler they will tell u that the term means working the crowd. You could be the most technically sound wrestler on the planet but if the fans are sitting on their hands and yawning, or going to the bathroom and concession stands then are u a good worker? I have said this many times before but this art that we love is not a competition, its a show.
To me, and remember these are my opinions but on this subject i happen to firmly believe i'm right, a good worker in the art of sports entertainment/wrestling is someone who can get the crowd to invest thier emotions into their specific character. In this sense Hulk Hogan is probably the best "worker" of all time even though his moveset in the states was very limited. Who got the fans more emotionally involved in their matches more then Hulk Hogan. Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and many many others were masters at working the crowd and getting the people to emotionally invest theirselves in everything they did.
The internet wrestling community is filled with people screaming for certain wrestlers to get that push because they believe that they are the best workers when in fact they're very mistaken. Names that come to mind are Jamie Noble, Paul London, Lance Storm, and many many others that could put on a decent match and in some cases are extremely technically sound. But what some of these performers lack are the ability to work the crowd. They just cant seem to get the fans to care about their character, thus going out there and performing in front of silent crowds. Often times they're matches are enjoyed by the masses, but then completely forgot about as soon as its over.
The main ability that is necessary to move up the ladder in the sports entertainment industry is not wrestling ability, cause again its not a competition. It is charisma, plain and simple. Now there have been a few exceptions to the rule, Chris Benoit comes to mind, but it doesnt happen very often. Some of the top names of all time in this sport could not wrestle half as good as alot of the guys that u would barely remember if i showed you their picture. But they had that ability to get the fans to care about them and that is what a good "worker" is!!!
I was in a wrestling chat room the other day and a couple people were saying that Hulk Hogan was not a good worker, and this got me thinking. What exactly makes a good "worker". I believe that alot of fans don't really understand the term in the first place. So let me elaborate on my thoughts on the subject.
The term "worker" means to work the crowd. It doesnt mean to be the best technical wrestler, or do the highest risk spots or any of that. If u ask any wrestler they will tell u that the term means working the crowd. You could be the most technically sound wrestler on the planet but if the fans are sitting on their hands and yawning, or going to the bathroom and concession stands then are u a good worker? I have said this many times before but this art that we love is not a competition, its a show.
To me, and remember these are my opinions but on this subject i happen to firmly believe i'm right, a good worker in the art of sports entertainment/wrestling is someone who can get the crowd to invest thier emotions into their specific character. In this sense Hulk Hogan is probably the best "worker" of all time even though his moveset in the states was very limited. Who got the fans more emotionally involved in their matches more then Hulk Hogan. Steve Austin, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and many many others were masters at working the crowd and getting the people to emotionally invest theirselves in everything they did.
The internet wrestling community is filled with people screaming for certain wrestlers to get that push because they believe that they are the best workers when in fact they're very mistaken. Names that come to mind are Jamie Noble, Paul London, Lance Storm, and many many others that could put on a decent match and in some cases are extremely technically sound. But what some of these performers lack are the ability to work the crowd. They just cant seem to get the fans to care about their character, thus going out there and performing in front of silent crowds. Often times they're matches are enjoyed by the masses, but then completely forgot about as soon as its over.
The main ability that is necessary to move up the ladder in the sports entertainment industry is not wrestling ability, cause again its not a competition. It is charisma, plain and simple. Now there have been a few exceptions to the rule, Chris Benoit comes to mind, but it doesnt happen very often. Some of the top names of all time in this sport could not wrestle half as good as alot of the guys that u would barely remember if i showed you their picture. But they had that ability to get the fans to care about them and that is what a good "worker" is!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009 –
6:01 PM
Welcome everyone to my review of this weeks ECW show, the show has very little star power but often can showcase some very good wrestling matches so lets see what this week brings us.
Tommy Dreamer vs Paul Burchill:
I am very interested in where the Tommy Dreamer storyline will go. Im hoping that he gets an ECW title match against Swagger at Wrestlemania, but i see him building up to the title match and then coming just short and eventually getting "released" from the company, therefore putting Swagger over even more. Beginning of the match and the crowd starts a Tommy Dreamer chant showing he is still at least sort of over. Dreamer always brings a sense of real emotion to his matches and always has, some performers have that quality some dont. Suprisingly Burchill goes over here after a decent opening match. Dreamer has made a career out of putting guys over and it seems thats what hes trying to do here as well. Much needed victory by Burchill as hes been in a tailspin for quite a while.
Jamie Noble seems to have transfered to ECW now using the line on Teddy Long that "Noble equals ratings"..umm no lol. Noble is very talented and actually very charismatic but lets be honest..if he was ever gonna get over hed be there by now. He'll have a bigger opportunity to showcase his skills on ECW so it might be a very good fit for him but i honestly never see him getting any higher in the rankings of the WWE universe then where hes at now. Hopefully for his sake i'm wrong.
Miz and Morrison come out and start to berate Dreamer, Very good micwork by them as usual. They fit they're role so nicely and seem very natural doing it. Dreamer snaps when Miz mentions his family wich results in a Miz and Morrison beat down. Again Dreamer putting people over wich is what he does best. Overall though a pointless segment for Miz and Morrison in my view but they're mic work made it entertaining.
Jamie Noble is in the ring and his first opponent is revealed to be the Boogeyman.
Jamie Noble vs The Boogeyman:
First of all id like to state that im a huge fan of the Boogeyman character. Its a thowback character thats there for entertainment purposes only and he plays the part very well. Obviously hes not very good in the ring and will never win any championships but thats not his purpose on the card. Noble does a masterful job of bumping around for Boogeyman and actually gets some offense in so not a total squash here. Boogeyman gets the win with the pumphandle slam and then its worm time. I could do without the worms but it fits the character so its ok. Noble actually escapes the worms but him jobbing quite easily here just confirms what i said earlier about where hes going in the company.
Interview with Swagger backstage, god the ECW title belt is ugly lol. Swagger is very impressive in the ring but something about him is just very plain to me. He seems to be getting better every week and does have very high potential.
Jack Swagger vs Finlay:
Finlay should go back to being the man who loves to fight in my opinion but the whole hornswoggle thing is good for the kids so it works for now. Hes gettin his shot at the main event on ECW for a lil bit here wich will be good for establishing Swagger. Pretty physical match between the two, Swagger continues to impress and show he can hang with the veterans. He is very crisp in the ring and doesnt look like a rookie at all, maybe they didnt pull the trigger on his title win too early after all. Swagger ditches the shalaylee but low and behold Horneswoggle pulls out a big shlaylee and hits Swagger in the calf with it allowing Finlay to get the upperhand and hit the Celtic Cross for the win. I dont agree with this, i'm not usually one to care who wins or loses but having Swagger lose here is a mistake. A monster push is just what he needs right now. I'm sure finlay gets a title match now and Swagger will go over in that one but i still dont like the champion getting pinned in the middle of the ring on a regular weekly episode. Good match though and a nice main event.
All in all just another ECW, some decent wrestling but nothing that indicates any real forward progress toward NWO and eventually WrestleMania.
Tommy Dreamer vs Paul Burchill:
I am very interested in where the Tommy Dreamer storyline will go. Im hoping that he gets an ECW title match against Swagger at Wrestlemania, but i see him building up to the title match and then coming just short and eventually getting "released" from the company, therefore putting Swagger over even more. Beginning of the match and the crowd starts a Tommy Dreamer chant showing he is still at least sort of over. Dreamer always brings a sense of real emotion to his matches and always has, some performers have that quality some dont. Suprisingly Burchill goes over here after a decent opening match. Dreamer has made a career out of putting guys over and it seems thats what hes trying to do here as well. Much needed victory by Burchill as hes been in a tailspin for quite a while.
Jamie Noble seems to have transfered to ECW now using the line on Teddy Long that "Noble equals ratings"..umm no lol. Noble is very talented and actually very charismatic but lets be honest..if he was ever gonna get over hed be there by now. He'll have a bigger opportunity to showcase his skills on ECW so it might be a very good fit for him but i honestly never see him getting any higher in the rankings of the WWE universe then where hes at now. Hopefully for his sake i'm wrong.
Miz and Morrison come out and start to berate Dreamer, Very good micwork by them as usual. They fit they're role so nicely and seem very natural doing it. Dreamer snaps when Miz mentions his family wich results in a Miz and Morrison beat down. Again Dreamer putting people over wich is what he does best. Overall though a pointless segment for Miz and Morrison in my view but they're mic work made it entertaining.
Jamie Noble is in the ring and his first opponent is revealed to be the Boogeyman.
Jamie Noble vs The Boogeyman:
First of all id like to state that im a huge fan of the Boogeyman character. Its a thowback character thats there for entertainment purposes only and he plays the part very well. Obviously hes not very good in the ring and will never win any championships but thats not his purpose on the card. Noble does a masterful job of bumping around for Boogeyman and actually gets some offense in so not a total squash here. Boogeyman gets the win with the pumphandle slam and then its worm time. I could do without the worms but it fits the character so its ok. Noble actually escapes the worms but him jobbing quite easily here just confirms what i said earlier about where hes going in the company.
Interview with Swagger backstage, god the ECW title belt is ugly lol. Swagger is very impressive in the ring but something about him is just very plain to me. He seems to be getting better every week and does have very high potential.
Jack Swagger vs Finlay:
Finlay should go back to being the man who loves to fight in my opinion but the whole hornswoggle thing is good for the kids so it works for now. Hes gettin his shot at the main event on ECW for a lil bit here wich will be good for establishing Swagger. Pretty physical match between the two, Swagger continues to impress and show he can hang with the veterans. He is very crisp in the ring and doesnt look like a rookie at all, maybe they didnt pull the trigger on his title win too early after all. Swagger ditches the shalaylee but low and behold Horneswoggle pulls out a big shlaylee and hits Swagger in the calf with it allowing Finlay to get the upperhand and hit the Celtic Cross for the win. I dont agree with this, i'm not usually one to care who wins or loses but having Swagger lose here is a mistake. A monster push is just what he needs right now. I'm sure finlay gets a title match now and Swagger will go over in that one but i still dont like the champion getting pinned in the middle of the ring on a regular weekly episode. Good match though and a nice main event.
All in all just another ECW, some decent wrestling but nothing that indicates any real forward progress toward NWO and eventually WrestleMania.
Jack Swagger,
Jamie Noble,
Miz and Morrison,
Paul Burchill,
The Boogeyman,
Tommy Dreamer

Raw Review: 2/2/09
Monday, February 2, 2009 –
7:07 PM
Hey peoples, this is my first raw review. Dont expect a play by play as i'm not gonna get into all that, i'm assuming everyone probably watched the show anyways so i dont think its necessary to go into all that detail. But ill do my best to review each segment and give my opinion to the best of my ability!!
Opening Segment:
Shane Mcmahon comes out and announces that he will face Randy Orton in a no holds barred match at No Way Out. Not too suprising there as they need to keep Orton busy till mania. Orton cuts a good heel promo, claiming he told Cody and Ted not to fight back against Shane last week. Nice touch as it wasnt believable that Shane beat up the 3 of them. The Legacy then try and ambush Shane who was expecting just that as he had a kendo stick waiting for them. Decent segment and the match should be pretty good at NWO as Shane always delivers in big matches and Orton is the best heel in the business right now in my opinion. Should be very interesting.
CM Punk and Mickie James vs William Regal and Layla:
First off id like to say i dont really enjoy mixed tag matches, i dont really enjoy the divas in general as most of them are talentless. I long for the days of Moolah vs Richter lol. Usually i'll just end up giving a quick "this chick fought this chick and this chick won" type review of the divas just to let everyone know lol. Mickie James however i think has lots of talent, along with Beth Pheonix but really everyone else isnt that good in comparison. This match was just to give Regal and Punk somethin to do. They say they'll face next week wich is cool. These 2 could have a nice series of very physical matches wich is good for the IC title. Regal hits the knee for the win as Punk is getting back in the ring. But i predict that Punk will end this feud still IC champion in the long run.
Rhodes and Dibiase vs Cryme Tyme:
I like Cryme Tyme but WWE seems reluctant to pull the trigger on them for some reason. In my opinion they're running the risk of Cryme Tyme going somewhat stale before they pull that trigger. DQ finish with a beatdown of Shad afterwards. Nice double team DDT. Just a quick throwaway match to show the relentlessness of the Legacy and to further draw heat to Rhodes and Dibiase.
They're still teasing the Jericho/Rourke angle so we'll see what happens. Some people think Jericho deserves a bigger match but to those people i say who do u thinks name will be most out there in the media, whos name will get the most publicity if this does happen. Chris Jericho thats who. Remember folks its a show not a competition and I think Jericho is a perfect candidate to pull this off in a big way.
Jericho's in the ring after commercial. Jericho has been as good as he ever has been the last 9 months or so. Hes been simply awesome. As he rants about ric flair and legends of the past hes interuppted by John Cena. As i said in my introduction blog i'm not a cena hater at all, i believe he has more then earned his spot and works harder then probably anyone in the business today. He goes on to cut a pretty good promo on jericho to build toward their match at the end of the night. Is all this Ric Flair talk building towards something? Guess we'll have to wait and see huh.
Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio vs Kane and Mike Knox:
Kofi going over Kane last week was a pleasant suprise. Not that i like watching Kane lose all the time because i think its rediculous but it gives Kofi a chance to really prove himself at NWO. I actually think Mike Knox has a whole lot of potential to at least be a viable upper mid card heel for a while. I know most people just see another worthless hoss but i dont. I liked his answer a couple weeks ago that he didnt know why he attacked Rey, it leaves the door open for a very unpredictable type character if they use him correctly. Good spot to tease future dissention between kofi and rey with rey not being there for the tag. Kane pins Rey after catchin him in mid-air with a chokeslam, very good looking spot. Kane and Knox looked very good as a team actually. Very good tag match with a very hot crowd.
The Legacy gang attack Shane in the back knocking down steph as well and beating up some random security too. Randy goes to boot steph in the head before shane dives in the way at the last moment taking the kick to the ribs instead. Awesome little backstage segment and this angle is coming along quite nicely.
Candice Michelle vs Beth Pheonix:
Candice has gotta be the biggest waste of time or at least shes right up there. She should go back to doing softcore porn at least then she was slightly interesting to watch. At least with the divas now u get Santino too, the guy is hilarious. Trish Stratus recently said she might be up for doing a match at WrestleMania, now Trish vs Beth is a Diva match i would love to see. Beth puts the match away hitting her finisher.
Flair on Raw next week. Could he do one more match. Maybe with Rourke in his corner, hmm we'll have to wait and see but somethings definitely brewing there and i like it.
Next out is JBL to do his evaluation on Shawn Michaels. This storyline has been very well executed in my opinion by two "old school" performers. Everything Shawn does is gold anyways so its not suprising. I cant see this not ending at wrestlemania, although i guess theres a chance it could end sooner so Shawn can face Taker at mania but in my opinion the Shawn vs JBL blowoff might as well happen at Mania now with all the build and time they've put into it. LOL, i guess i should've waited till the end of the segment to write all that as they've decided to have the match at NWO, this pretty much confirms that Shawn will wrestle Taker at Mania now, wich is a good way to go too because the match will be an instant classic for sure. NWO is definitely shaping up to be a solid PPV!!! Solid promo and a great way to continue building sympathy for HBK.
Kane apparently got in contact with his Brother the Undertaker as a trade off with Stephanie to get himself in the elimination chamber match. That fits ok, Kanes always good and will fit well in the chamber match. Taker vs Orton next week should be very interesting.
John Cena vs Chris Jericho:
Main event time. I thought these two had one of the best matches of last year at Survivor Series where they told a tremendous story throughout the match of selling the return of Cena and his neck injury. Wether u like Cena or not the crowd is always superhot for his segments and matches (either positive or negative its always there). This time around the match is taking place just to build toward the Elimination Chamber with both men being involved. I guess they've gone with "the attitude adjuster" as the new name for cenas finisher. I have to say thats kinda corny but i understand the name change. As a parent myself its kinda hard to tell my 3 and a half year old the name of the move is the FU. Nice lil match with Cena countering Jericho into the STF for the win. Good but forgettable main event to end the show.
Overall a very solid raw with a lot of build up towards No Way Out. A hot crowd all night as well wich is always a good thing. Next week, Ric Flair and Taker vs Orton, should be very interesting.
For anyone knew to this like me lol..to comment on each individual post just click the title of the post first. Thank you.
~~Nocturnal the Nightmare~~
Opening Segment:
Shane Mcmahon comes out and announces that he will face Randy Orton in a no holds barred match at No Way Out. Not too suprising there as they need to keep Orton busy till mania. Orton cuts a good heel promo, claiming he told Cody and Ted not to fight back against Shane last week. Nice touch as it wasnt believable that Shane beat up the 3 of them. The Legacy then try and ambush Shane who was expecting just that as he had a kendo stick waiting for them. Decent segment and the match should be pretty good at NWO as Shane always delivers in big matches and Orton is the best heel in the business right now in my opinion. Should be very interesting.
CM Punk and Mickie James vs William Regal and Layla:
First off id like to say i dont really enjoy mixed tag matches, i dont really enjoy the divas in general as most of them are talentless. I long for the days of Moolah vs Richter lol. Usually i'll just end up giving a quick "this chick fought this chick and this chick won" type review of the divas just to let everyone know lol. Mickie James however i think has lots of talent, along with Beth Pheonix but really everyone else isnt that good in comparison. This match was just to give Regal and Punk somethin to do. They say they'll face next week wich is cool. These 2 could have a nice series of very physical matches wich is good for the IC title. Regal hits the knee for the win as Punk is getting back in the ring. But i predict that Punk will end this feud still IC champion in the long run.
Rhodes and Dibiase vs Cryme Tyme:
I like Cryme Tyme but WWE seems reluctant to pull the trigger on them for some reason. In my opinion they're running the risk of Cryme Tyme going somewhat stale before they pull that trigger. DQ finish with a beatdown of Shad afterwards. Nice double team DDT. Just a quick throwaway match to show the relentlessness of the Legacy and to further draw heat to Rhodes and Dibiase.
They're still teasing the Jericho/Rourke angle so we'll see what happens. Some people think Jericho deserves a bigger match but to those people i say who do u thinks name will be most out there in the media, whos name will get the most publicity if this does happen. Chris Jericho thats who. Remember folks its a show not a competition and I think Jericho is a perfect candidate to pull this off in a big way.
Jericho's in the ring after commercial. Jericho has been as good as he ever has been the last 9 months or so. Hes been simply awesome. As he rants about ric flair and legends of the past hes interuppted by John Cena. As i said in my introduction blog i'm not a cena hater at all, i believe he has more then earned his spot and works harder then probably anyone in the business today. He goes on to cut a pretty good promo on jericho to build toward their match at the end of the night. Is all this Ric Flair talk building towards something? Guess we'll have to wait and see huh.
Kofi Kingston and Rey Mysterio vs Kane and Mike Knox:
Kofi going over Kane last week was a pleasant suprise. Not that i like watching Kane lose all the time because i think its rediculous but it gives Kofi a chance to really prove himself at NWO. I actually think Mike Knox has a whole lot of potential to at least be a viable upper mid card heel for a while. I know most people just see another worthless hoss but i dont. I liked his answer a couple weeks ago that he didnt know why he attacked Rey, it leaves the door open for a very unpredictable type character if they use him correctly. Good spot to tease future dissention between kofi and rey with rey not being there for the tag. Kane pins Rey after catchin him in mid-air with a chokeslam, very good looking spot. Kane and Knox looked very good as a team actually. Very good tag match with a very hot crowd.
The Legacy gang attack Shane in the back knocking down steph as well and beating up some random security too. Randy goes to boot steph in the head before shane dives in the way at the last moment taking the kick to the ribs instead. Awesome little backstage segment and this angle is coming along quite nicely.
Candice Michelle vs Beth Pheonix:
Candice has gotta be the biggest waste of time or at least shes right up there. She should go back to doing softcore porn at least then she was slightly interesting to watch. At least with the divas now u get Santino too, the guy is hilarious. Trish Stratus recently said she might be up for doing a match at WrestleMania, now Trish vs Beth is a Diva match i would love to see. Beth puts the match away hitting her finisher.
Flair on Raw next week. Could he do one more match. Maybe with Rourke in his corner, hmm we'll have to wait and see but somethings definitely brewing there and i like it.
Next out is JBL to do his evaluation on Shawn Michaels. This storyline has been very well executed in my opinion by two "old school" performers. Everything Shawn does is gold anyways so its not suprising. I cant see this not ending at wrestlemania, although i guess theres a chance it could end sooner so Shawn can face Taker at mania but in my opinion the Shawn vs JBL blowoff might as well happen at Mania now with all the build and time they've put into it. LOL, i guess i should've waited till the end of the segment to write all that as they've decided to have the match at NWO, this pretty much confirms that Shawn will wrestle Taker at Mania now, wich is a good way to go too because the match will be an instant classic for sure. NWO is definitely shaping up to be a solid PPV!!! Solid promo and a great way to continue building sympathy for HBK.
Kane apparently got in contact with his Brother the Undertaker as a trade off with Stephanie to get himself in the elimination chamber match. That fits ok, Kanes always good and will fit well in the chamber match. Taker vs Orton next week should be very interesting.
John Cena vs Chris Jericho:
Main event time. I thought these two had one of the best matches of last year at Survivor Series where they told a tremendous story throughout the match of selling the return of Cena and his neck injury. Wether u like Cena or not the crowd is always superhot for his segments and matches (either positive or negative its always there). This time around the match is taking place just to build toward the Elimination Chamber with both men being involved. I guess they've gone with "the attitude adjuster" as the new name for cenas finisher. I have to say thats kinda corny but i understand the name change. As a parent myself its kinda hard to tell my 3 and a half year old the name of the move is the FU. Nice lil match with Cena countering Jericho into the STF for the win. Good but forgettable main event to end the show.
Overall a very solid raw with a lot of build up towards No Way Out. A hot crowd all night as well wich is always a good thing. Next week, Ric Flair and Taker vs Orton, should be very interesting.
For anyone knew to this like me lol..to comment on each individual post just click the title of the post first. Thank you.
~~Nocturnal the Nightmare~~
1:26 PM
Just wanna start out my blog career with a lil bit about me. I'm a 28 year old from central ny, been a wrestling fan since i was around 3 years old. The first match i can actually remember watching was Hogan vs Shiek for the title. I've been a die hard, hardcore fan every since so thats about 25 years now. I like to think i'm a very knowlegable wrestling fan of both wwe and wcw over this time frame. No i dont know everything and am not one of these people that can tell u every match that happened at an in your house ppv in the mid 90s lol, but i'm overall pretty smart on the product. I live in the middle of syracuse and utica ny, about half hour from each and when i was a kid the wwf was in these places basically on a weekly basis and my dad took me quite often. I still remember seeing stars like jimmy snuke(my personal favorite), don muraco, paul orndorff, the wild samoans, big john studd and andre the giant, along with the occasional appearance of hogan himself. One of the most memorable matches i remember from when i was young seeing live was when rocky johnson and tony atlas dropped the tag team titles to adrian adonis and dick murdock, for some reason that match has stuck in my memory.
I read alot of comments on many different sites and i honestly think that most internet wrestling fans tend to be very ignorant and stupid in their analysis of the product. I would like it to be known that i'm not a "hater". I almost always like every show and almost never will criticize the shows as i am a fan first and a reviewer/blogger second. I think alot of internet sites and "smarts" have forgotten that they're a fan first and foremost and try to outsmart everyone. I dont pretend to think that i'm smarter then wwe so i almost never second guess what they do, rather i watch and react and enjoy the product like one should. Who wins and loses almost never matters to me as people forget that this is entertainment and not a competition. As long as the match or segment was fun to watch i'm a happy man no matter who comes out on top. I also would like it to be known that i'm in no way shape or form a john cena hater as i actually like his work and think hes probably the hardest working performer in the industry today so its hard not to respect him, nor am i a cena mark.
With all that bein said i will try and review each show either right after or the next morning. I usually dont watch tna but once in a while i do, and now that i'm writing this blog might start to watch it a bit more. Along with the show reviews i will do blogs on certain topics that pop in my head randomly as well as ppv predictions!! Hope everyone that reads this blog enjoys it and feel free to leave comments and feedback as i love to communicate with other wrestling fans. But please know that this blog is for intelligent wrestling fans and not for people who just wanna shit all over the product all the time, cause to those people i ask..why do u watch?..and please refrain from posting fantasy cards as that is just a waste of time. Thank You!!!
~~Nocturnal The Nightmare~~
I read alot of comments on many different sites and i honestly think that most internet wrestling fans tend to be very ignorant and stupid in their analysis of the product. I would like it to be known that i'm not a "hater". I almost always like every show and almost never will criticize the shows as i am a fan first and a reviewer/blogger second. I think alot of internet sites and "smarts" have forgotten that they're a fan first and foremost and try to outsmart everyone. I dont pretend to think that i'm smarter then wwe so i almost never second guess what they do, rather i watch and react and enjoy the product like one should. Who wins and loses almost never matters to me as people forget that this is entertainment and not a competition. As long as the match or segment was fun to watch i'm a happy man no matter who comes out on top. I also would like it to be known that i'm in no way shape or form a john cena hater as i actually like his work and think hes probably the hardest working performer in the industry today so its hard not to respect him, nor am i a cena mark.
With all that bein said i will try and review each show either right after or the next morning. I usually dont watch tna but once in a while i do, and now that i'm writing this blog might start to watch it a bit more. Along with the show reviews i will do blogs on certain topics that pop in my head randomly as well as ppv predictions!! Hope everyone that reads this blog enjoys it and feel free to leave comments and feedback as i love to communicate with other wrestling fans. But please know that this blog is for intelligent wrestling fans and not for people who just wanna shit all over the product all the time, cause to those people i ask..why do u watch?..and please refrain from posting fantasy cards as that is just a waste of time. Thank You!!!
~~Nocturnal The Nightmare~~
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