Welcome to the February 27th edition of the Slingshot Suplex Smackdown Review. This week we'll see an appearance from John Cena and they Hardy's square off as the build for Wrestlemania continues. Lets see what this week brings us shall we.
John Cena's music hits to open the show and gets a huge pop, which is the reaction he deserves. I know alot of people got so used to cheering the anti-heros in wrestling through the attitude era, but if u ask me it was time for wrestling to have another "hero" ala Hulk Hogan in the 80's and Bret Hart in the 90's. Especially with the more attention to the family unit now instead of just 18-24 year old males. Cena sais that the title is being held by a coward and that he wants a rematch for that belt tonight. Edge makes his way out to the stage. Sais if Cena wants his rematch he'll do it. But Vickie comes out and states that Edge will not compete tonight. Cena will face Big Show instead. OK but predictable opening.
Colon's vs Miz and Morrison: WWE Tag Title Match:
This tag feud has been highly entertaining to this point and tonight they will face for the Colon's tag titles only. They recap the "date" from last week, truly hilarious stuff. Primo and Miz start off the match. These 2 teams have beautiful chemistry together. Simply the 2 best tag teams WWE has had in years. Hopefully the fact that neither Miz or Morrison qualified for money in the bank will mean a wrestlemania match between these 2 teams, maybe to unify the titles. I wanna see a Tag TLC match between these 2 teams..now that would be awesome. The Bella twins make their way to ringside. These 2 should just stay in the back, I know the whole date last week was hilarious but this feud doesnt need the fucking bella twins ok. Primo plays the babyface in trouble. Carlito gets the hot tag. Morrison goes for the flipping neckbreaker but Carlito counters into the backstabber, by the way my favorite finishing move in wrestling. Carlito gets the pin and the Colon's retain the titles, and leave with the girls. Good match, nice fast paced action with everything making sense and flowing nicely.
Ricky "the dragon" Steamboat will be inducted to the hall of fame this year. Arguably the best "in ring performer" of his time and maybe ever, if you havent seen this guy in action look him up cause its a thing of Beauty.
Vladimir Kozlov vs Undertaker:
The fact that this match is taking place now pretty much confirms that Shawn Michaels will win monday night to go on to face Taker at Wrestlemania, not that i ever thought he wouldnt anyways. I'm one of few people that i've seen online that actually likes Kozlov, and he looks pretty good so far in this match. I like his old school heel persona, I pretty much like anything that is throwback anyways. Very solid match and Kozlov shockingly pins the Undertaker when he counters ol' school into a powerslam. I really hope they dont make the match at Mania a triple threat match. Please give us Shawn vs Taker one on one. Hopefully they put Kozlov over here just to make it less obvious, we'll have to wait and see I guess.
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy:
Matt has been absolutely brilliant since turning heel. I wasnt sure how well he could pull it off but he has in a big way. Jeff comes out in street clothes, looks like they are gonna go with the "i dont want to fight my brother" type angle, until enough is enough and Jeff cant take it no more. Its booking 101 but its extremely effective when done right and so far this has been done right. Alot of reports are that WWE changed they're plans when the plans for Christian to be the attacker were leaked on the net, but I honestly think that this was the plan all along. Jeff sais whether Matt likes it or not he is still his brother. Matt snatches the mic and sais he is not his brother, and for once this is gonna be about him. Sais he has always been the more talented Hardy, i actually agree with him some there, as a pure wrestler Matt has always been better but Jeff's unique look and a couple of fresh high flying moves always got him more attention. Matt keeps telling Jeff to fight him, then he slaps him in the face, Jeff still wont so Matt backhands him pretty hard lol. Jeff just shakes his head and walks away to a good pop from the crowd. Jeff stops on the stage and makes the fans cheer to rub it in to Matt. Great segment and job well done by both men, this angle is going along very nicely.
Shelton Benjamin vs Chavo Guerrero:
MVP is on commentary. I love his face turn so far, that losing streak really got him over as a face after a while. In my opinion I'd rather see this feud being an A & B feud between MVP and Shelton with Chavo C'ing his way out of it, but it seems we're getting a 3 way battle for the U.S. title so ok. I'd like to see it all end at Mania with a triple threat for the belt but I think its wishful thinking and will probably happen on Smackdown more then likely. Shelton and MVP have a staredown on the outside, Shelton picks Chavo up and throws him into MVP. Sweet roll up by Chavo when they get back in the ring gets the victory. MVP rolls in the ring behind Shelton and hits the drive-by leaving him laying.
John Cena vs Big Show:
Main event time. Big Show has apparently gone back to being Edge and Vickie's lackey. Will probably continue that way until after Mania but i'm sure Big Show will eventually get sick of it. Not sure what Big Show will be doing at Mania, i guess he could end up just being in Edge's corner. Cant see him not doing anything though. Big Show keeps telling Cena its his job, I guess implying that its nothing personal. Probably just Big Show talking durin the match, but maybe it means something who knows. Big Show is outstanding here while he is in control, constantly talking to Cena and mocking the fans. It took him a while but Big Show, starting with his run as ECW champion, wich was awesome by the way, finally got how to perform as a giant. Tremendous match so far, maybe the best these 2 have had together. They're doing a great job at teasing Cena's comeback only for Big Show staying in control. Cena finally starts his comeback after Show misses off the second rope. Again Big Show takes control after stopping Cena from hitting the attitude adjuster. Chokeslam attempt but Cena gets him up and hits the attitude adjuster this time, always impressive when done to Show. Edge somes out and rolls in then out of the ring, not sure what that did lol. Big Show gets up and nails Cena with a huge punch, then chokeslam and gets the win. Awesome main event. Great match by Cena and Big Show. I guess Edge coming down was a distraction but it looked awkward because Edge never touched him, he just rolled in the ring and right back out again. But ok lol. Edge stands over Cena after Show leaves the ring and taunts him with the belt.
Overall a pretty solid show. Great tag match with miz and morrison/colon's, kozlov pinning Taker was a suprise, the Hardy's segment was brilliant, and a very solid main event.
Smackdown Review 2/27/09
Saturday, February 28, 2009 –
6:50 AM
big show,
jeff hardy,
john cena,
matt hardy,
Miz and Morrison,

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