Welcome everyone to this weeks Smackdown review. Sorry I missed ECW this week but things came up and I wasnt able to get to it. Tonight is the first Smackdown since NWO so things should be very interesting with Edge and Triple H holding both world titles, again lol. So lets see what this week brings us shall we.
Smackdown opens much like Raw did this week. With the World Heavyweight Champion, Edge. He begins by cutting your basic, but always effective, heel promo running down the fans saying that hes a winner and they're not. Basically most of the same things he said on Raw. Mentions that hes an 8 time champion now. Ok i might just add that being a multi-time champion doesnt mean even close to what it once did. Jeff Hardy interrupts. Now i'm not a huge Hardy fan although I understand why some people are. But cmon, the facepaint just looks horrible i'm sorry. I'm sure some people like it, but to me it just looks dumb on him, some wrestlers can make that work but in my opinion hes not one of em. Jeff sais Edge gets special treatment because hes "married" to Vickie. Back and forth banter between the two, and Jeff challenges Edge for the belt. Segment ends with Jeff hitting the twist of fate and leaving Edge laying.
Recap of the ending of Raw is shown. Like i said in my Raw review, i believe i was the first one who predicted this outcome, just thought i would toot my own horn there for a second.
Vickie is shown in the back, Kizarny comes in and sais...something about, ah who cares. Edge kicks him out and then tells Vickie that he will face Jeff Hardy tonight. Vickie tells him that it wont be a title match. Edge sais of course not cause it would be stupid, Vickie gives him a dirty look.
Michelle Mccool & Maryse vs Eve Torres & Maria:
Yay a divas match. Can u sense my sarcasm? I used to like womans wrestling but somewhere along the way it just got really horrible and boring, now no matter how hard i try i just cant enjoy it. Maybe its because most of them are just plain bad. I wish they would just put Mickie, Michelle, Jillian, Nataylia, and Beth on the same show because they are really the only ones that know how to work anyways. Then you can have a decent womans division and leave the rest to just show their asses. Maryse pinned Eve. Lets move on.
Miz and Morrison and the Bella twins are shown on their date. Funny stuff here out of Miz and Morrison, they're always pure gold. They degrade the waiter who is obviously Primo in a disguise. Primo and Carlito are in the kitchen both in disguises, Carlito has long blond hair and a blonde goatee lol. Extremely funny stuff here lol. Miz and Morrison finally recognize them. The Colons accidentally hit the twins with pies. This is just a hilarious segment lol. This feud has been really entertaining. Next week they will have a match for the Colon's tag titles.
Shelton Benjamin & Chavo Guerrero vs MVP & R-Truth:
First let me say that why Chavo has gotta be involved in this feud i dont know. I guess they dont have anything else for him to do. I like Chavo but i'm begging for a one on one feud between MVP and Shelton and this seems to be heading toward a triple threat match. The heels jump R-Truth before the match and before MVP can even make his way out there. MVP comes out for the save to a decent MVP chant. Now we have a 2 on 1 match with R-Truth being taken out of the equation. MVP is getting more and more over with every passing week. Sweet looking t-bone suplex by Shelton. Chavo tags himself in wich Shelton didnt like. Shelton the returns the favor leading to Chavo attacking him and hitting him with the frog splash. Chavo then leaves the ring, MVP hits Shelton with the drive by boot for the victory.
Next is a sit down interview with Jim Ross and Triple H about what happened on Raw. I know we've seen Orton/Triple H before but this time around Orton is as hot a heel WWE has had in quite a long time and WWE finally is acknowleging the marriage of Triple H and Stephanie. They have actually made this feud feel very fresh again. The whole buildup has been masterfully done, and the match at Mania should be a classic. Triple H basically sais that Orton has crossed the line and then gets emotional and walks off the set. This should obviously be the main event at Mania this year. I love how WWE is going back to storytelling in this past year, rather then just relying on the same, u screwed me i'm gonna get ya angles they were doing for so long.
Umaga vs Scotty Goldman:
Scotty Goldman's last match in WWE has him getting his ass kicked by the samoan bulldozer himself. I know alot of internet "smarts" love these ROH guys but seriously if they ever thought this guy was gonna get over in the WWE they were high. Umaga has been getting a very positive reaction wich i believe WWE should be trying to not let happen. The face sceen on smackdown is crowded right now with Triple H, Jeff Hardy, MVP, Taker, and soon Mr. Kennedy, they really need Umaga to be that big time heel right now.
Vickie comes out next to tremendous heat. She throws Kozlov's name in the race to face the Undertaker. Shawn Michaels better come out of this and face Taker at mania, and I believe he will. I guess this "chase to end the streak", is something to kill some time with over a month to go till Mania. Kozlov cuts a promo and sais he will break Taker, sounding just like Ivan Drago from Rocky 4 lol.
Hall of Fame inductees announced this week were the Funk Brothers. Just an awesome choice for what looks to be one of the best classes to be inducted yet. Just simply legends of the business and a very fitting choice to go into the HOF.
Edge vs Jeff Hardy:
Main event time up next with Edge facing Jeff in a non-title match. Edge should end up facing John Cena at mania for the title, the seeds for that were planted on Raw. There has been rumors that John Cena could end up facing Hulk Hogan but i just dont see that happening. I've read the spoilers and Cena will be on Smackdown next week, but still no title rematch has been made for Cena/Edge. I just cant see them waiting weeks to do that rematch and then having Cena face Hogan, it just wouldnt make any sense. If Hogan does wrestle then it would make more sense to have him face Jericho considering how he has been running down all the legends as of late. Pretty solid back and forth match, Edge and Jeff obviously have great chemistry and could continue they're long time rivalry for yet another many years to come. Jeff hits the swanton but Matt comes out and hits him with the twist of fate ending the match in a disqualification. Matt then gets on the mic to some very good heat and tells Jeff that he will have to face him next week on Smackdown. Matt has been very solid in his heel work so far, again, i'm loving WWE going back to its storyline routes, nothing sells tickets more then solid storylines and good drama. After Matt leaves the ring Edge hits Jeff with the spear and ends the show holding the title high in the ring.
Well nothing really special on this weeks show, though that doesnt mean it wasnt a good show. The Miz and Morrison/Colon segment, and the main event was very good and stood out to me as the best segments on the show. WWE has time to go with a nice slow build to Mania and seem to be doing just that, wich in the immortal words of Diamond Dallas Page, "thats not a bad thing, its, a good thing :)"
WWE Smackdown Review: 2/20/09
Saturday, February 21, 2009 –
1:06 PM
jeff hardy,
matt hardy,
randy orton,
triple h,

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