Welcome everyone to the first official Slingshot Suplex Pay Per View preview. This months PPV is No Way Out, featuring Raw/Smackdown elimination chamber title matches. There is only 5 matches scheduled so far so they should all be given decent time with the chamber matches taking up a good chunk of it of course. Although there is always a possability of throwing in a divas match or a promo segment to fill some time as well. Well lets see what we have for tonight shall we.
Jack Swagger (c) vs Fit Finlay: ECW championship match:
Well the ECW title picture got a whole lot more interesting this past Tuesday night as Christian made his return to WWE and challenged the winner of this match. We might see Christian tonight on commentary or in some manor like that. I think this will be a great match and the opener tonight. Should be given pretty good time, and they showed what they could do together 2 weeks ago when they had a pretty good main event on ECW. Finlay is usually always pretty good and Swagger has shown over the last couple months that he can hold his own with some of the top veteran performers in the company. I cant see Finlay winning the title here as Swagger has alot of momentum and a feud leading into Wrestlemania with Christian would make Tuesday nights must watch TV for a little while. Gutwrench Powerbomb, 1,2,3.
Winner: Jack Swagger
Shawn Michaels vs JBL:
Well the story here is that if Shawn wins he is completely free of JBL, and if JBL wins he owns everything that is Shawn Michaels for the rest of eternity. The whole fued has been pure gold and i believe has won over even the most hateful skeptics. These two are among the best storytellers in the business and it has shown bigtime here. I honestly thought they would go straight through to Wrestlemania with this but it looks like they're gonna end it tonight wich is ok too as it will allow Shawn to hopefully face The Undertaker at Mania, something they already hinted at during the Royal Rumble. I've seen some predictions where they have this match ending in a no-contest so that they can end it at Wrestlemania but i just cant see that happening. I think if they wanted it to end at Mania they could've had a tag match of some sort or something else where Shawn got sick of JBL and kicked him leading to the winner takes all at Mania. But they went with the winner takes all stipulation tonight so therefore i'm saying it ends tonight. Shawn hits sweet chin music for the win.
Winner: Shawn Michaels
Randy Orton vs Shane McMahon: No Holds Barred:
Despite what has been the popular hate on this match's build throughout the internet, i actually have loved it. Also, for the people that read my raw and smackdown review i have a feeling that something bigger is brewing possably leading to Wrestlemania with Randy Orton and Triple H. If something happens to Stephanie tonight, and Triple H wins the chamber match then look for that to be the title match at mania. This match should be very good and very physical. Shane McMahon always steps up in these situations and tonight should be no different. I love Randy Orton's character right now and he should go over in this one after a very brutal match that might go all over the building.
Winner: Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Title Match: Elimination Chamber:
John Cena(c), Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Mike Knox, Chris Jericho:
This should very interesting for the fact that I want to see how Kofi and Knox perform on the big stage tonight. I dont think the winner is in doubt all that much here as the only one that could possably win other then Cena is Jericho and hes busy with other things going into WrestleMania. Kane will play his part very well as he always does for years and years now. As will Rey Mysterio and it should be fun to watch Rey and Kofi fly around the chamber. But, no secret who the winner will be, the champ retains.
Winner: John Cena
WWE Championship Match: Elimination Chamber:
Edge(c), Big Show, Vladmir Kozlov, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Undertaker:
Now this is where the night gets interesting. This match is going to be very unpredictable and has been built extremely well. As of 2 weeks ago Edge was my pick to retain here, and its still a possability that he will do just that. But like I've said, i have another theory. With Randy Orton reminding everyone that he has a choice of what champion to face at Mania, and Stephs mystery phone call last week on Raw. I now am leaning heavily towards Triple H winning this match resulting in him getting involved in the Mcmahon/Orton storyline. That would actually make perfect sense, after all, Triple H is a part of the family. If this happens, look for Edge and Big Show to face off, with Undertaker likely facing Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy obviously facing Matt, and Kozlov, well, doing whatever he might do at Wrestlemania. If u asked me what I would do, Edge would retain, and i honestly cant think of anyone to wrestle Cena at Mania if it isnt Randy Orton. With that being said, I'm completely torn on who will win this match. Because of the whole who could possably face Cena deal, I wanna pick Edge. But WWE didnt hint at all that on Raw for no reason did they? So my gut tells me that it will the Game walking out of NWO the WWE champion once again.
Winner: Triple H
Should be a solid PPV tonight with alot of things that could or might happen, and most of that will build very heavily towards WrestleMania. I guess we have to wait and see what happens.
No Way Out Preview
Sunday, February 15, 2009 –
6:11 AM
chris jericho,
john cena,
no way out,
shawn michaels,
triple h,

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